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It has been a few months after that day. Cielo and the others were going on a trip for Easter holiday. They were flying on one of his private Jets. Those who were on this trip were; Cielo, Hayato, Takeshi, Kyoya, Mukuro, Chrome, Lambo, Ryohei, Futta, and Bianchi. The group's first stop was the most prestigious all girls academy in Italy; Royale Academy for Ladies.

The Jet landed on a private air strip in the academy where they were greeted by the headmistress. She took them on a tour around the school before finally bringing them to their destination. It was a villa near an artificial lake. The flowers in the Villa's garden were in full bloom.

The headmistress left as they pressed a button on the gate. This alerted the villa owner. The front door opened as three girls in their teen ran out. They were Kyoko, Hana, and Haru. The three girls were overjoyed to see them, " Hi guys it's been a while since New years. Welcome to our villa!"

Cielo, " Hello we meet again."

Ryohei, " Hi sis. The entire group came along. I hope you are doing well Hana and Haru."

Kyoya, " Hi."

Mukuro, " Well hello this is a rare opportunity to go on a date, right Kyoko?"

Chrome, " Glad to see you three again. Let's enjoy ourselves on this trip."

Lambo, " Hi big sisters."

Hayato, " Nice to see you Haru. You too Kyoko and Hana."

Takeshi, " Nice to see you."

Futta, " Hello big sisters."

Bianchi, " Hi girls you seem so lively, glad to see you again."

" Why are we standing here, let's go! Let's enjoy ourselves today since we are leaving tomorrow.", The trio replied. Kyoko grabbed Mukuro, Hana Ryohei, and Haru Hayato. The others followed in good spirits.

That day they spent enjoying themselves and galavanting around. Some couples snuck away far some alone time during the night. Namely Kyoko, Hana, Haru, Chrome, Mukuro, Ryohei, Hayato, and Kyoya. Bianchi, Futta, and Lambo went off somewhere. Cielo and Takeshi accompanied each other buying souvenirs from street stalls.

After they all returned they retired for the night. The next morning they drove to the orphanage run by Mukuro, Ken, Chikusu, and Chrome. When they arrived the entire compound was huge and luxurious thanks to the funds from Cielo over the years they had many facilities all for the comfort and care of over one hundred rescued children.

The group that grew to be thirteen was welcomed by the twins Chikusu and Ken who introduced them to the children.

" Everyone there are some visitors that came to visit you with big brother Mukuro and big sis Chrome.", the two twins announced to the children and staff.

" First we have brother Cielo our fifth founder, and the legend who first rescued children from the lab. Say hello."

" Hello fairy brother Cielo!"

To the children Cielo was pretty just like a fairy.

Cielo put on a smile and said, " Hello. Let's remember the lessons from the four founders, we are all victims so let's be better people by saving others. We don't have to end lives but we must bring the bad ones to justice."

" Yes!"

" Say hello to big brother Hayato, Takeshi, Kyoya, and Ryohei."

" Hello big brothers!"

" Hello.", The four replied.

" Also their little brothers Lambo and Futta."

" Hi Lambo and Futta Kun."

" Hi.", Lambo.

" Here is a magic trick for you.", Futta waved his wand and flower petals started falling from the roof and disappeared upon touching something. The children and staff applauded.

" Let's not forget our big sisters Bianchi, Kyoko, Hana, and Haru."  

" Hello big sisters!"

" Hi.", The four gave a smile and pushed in carts with gifts they prepared for everyone.

" Don't get excited yet. We have a big surprise for all of you. Our fifth founder hass invited you all to the largest amusement park here in Italy. It's reserved for all of you to enjoy the day. Let's thank him."

" Thank you fairy brother."

Cielo did bring them all on several busses to play the day away. As he sat on the highest cart of the ferris wheel with Takeshi by his side he wondered if the children that died by his hands made it to heaven.

After the short vacation they flew back to Japan and resumed school.

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