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It was Christmas a time of togetherness and a time for fun and happiness. For Cielo's group they were all back at Yamamoto's Diner, but this time they were more of them than last time. Last year it was only Cielo, Hayato, Bianchi, Takeshi, Tsuyoshi, and Kyoya. Mukuro, Chrome, Ryohei, Lambo, and Futta were new.

Just like last year the Diner was closed for the entire day. This time everyone gave a helping hand in preparing the meal, desserts, and setting the table. It was late in the evening when they all sat down.

They ate and talk while watching the falling snow through the glass. The snow was beautiful and white fluffy like cotton. Such an amazing sight at Christmas was breathtaking.After the dinner they went to the park to watch the fireworks.

They separated just like last time, but they remained in pairs, and Bianchi was in charge of Lambo and Futta. The two found their friends Ipin and Ieyoshi in the crowd and went to watch the fireworks together.

Cielo wondered off somewhere in the falling snow only being spotted by a few watchful eyes that followed him. He left the busy street and wondered on a hill in Namimori. Without snow the hill could be seen with flowers all year round.

Cielo sensed three pair of eyes in the distance hidden away. The owners of those eyes didn't notice each other nor did they notice that Cielo had noticed them. A pair of these eyes belonged to the demonic entity that had been spying on him for a few weeks now.

Cielo sat in the snow ignoring the coldness since it didn't bother him much. He looked up in the tree overhead and called out, " What do you want from me?"

As if to answer his question a little girl fell out of the tree and landed on her two feet. She was the height of a teen. She had long blonde hair that blew in the wind and a beautiful face. Her skin was pasty white and she was wearing a dark shade of make up matching her black lips.

She had pointed ears and two black horns. She was wearing a black dress matching her pair of black feathered wings.
* See description in the character picture guidebook*

" Cielo Kun it's nice to finally meet you! I was told so much about you I just couldn't wait any longer!", the girl's excited voice made one feel like they wanted to fall asleep and never wake up. Cielo's aura changed abruptly as he asked, " Which one are you."

" I am Zia the Demon Lord of Necromancy. I am even older that those two you have met before. Cielo Kun it's Christmas want to have dinner with me together at my place?", Zia winked Coquettishly.

" So I assume you have all formed an alliance with Lord Shiva to deal with me?", Cielo wanted clarification. Zia pouted, " Don't be like that Cielo Kun I was genuinely asking you on a date. Shiva can't order me around because when I capture you you will only belong to me!"

" One of these days you Demon Lords will rue the day you all came after me. You are just like the Humans, too greedy for your own good.", Cielo retorted. Zia walked closer to him and he got up. They were so close they could kiss.

" I can give you anything you want Cielo Kun, I won't imprison you like Shiva, if you just agree to go with me.", Zia stated. Cielo refused, " No!"

" Is that so? I must personally teach you how to respect your Elders boy!", Zia laughed with an evil sneer. Cielo was mercilessly slapped in the face by her until a line of blood trailed down the corner of his mouth.

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