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Kyoya was walking on a sea of floating clouds. The clouds felt soft and fluffy. On these clouds were floating islands with buildings of all kinds, together they created a floating city with a majestic hall in the middle that stood out.

" Hi! I am Tsuna, your guide.", a head popped out of the void causing Kyoya to stop in his tracks and observe him keenly. Little Tsuna pulled himself from the void and his entire body appeared in front of Kyoya.

" Are you the omnivore?", Kyoya questioned. Tsuna tilted his head looking innocently, "Maybe, maybe not." He handed Kyoya an hourglass and a note. He spun the hourglass starting the time of Kyoya's mysterious challenge.

Just then a man and a woman came up to him. They looked quite real, but their clothes were strange and ancient. The two came to Kyoya and bowed, " My Lord, we have been looking all over for you! Please come with us, the banquet can't start without you the host."

Kyoya had question marks above his head, but he gave a reply like it was natural, " Ok. Lead the way." Above the two were golden writings telling who they were. It was like NCPs in a game.

Man; Butler Garet. Duke Kyoya's personal Buttler.

Lady; Lady Rita. Head maid of Cloud Hall. Duke Kyoya's personal maid.

Kyoya guessed in this challenge his identity was changed to a Duke, the owner of the hall in the distance and the Lord of the floating city. He followed the two to the hall and Rita showed him his dressing room where his clothes were already prepared for the banquet.

 Rita closed the door and left, leaving Kyoya and a floating Tsuna who was next to the suspended hourglass. Kyoya looked at the pale purple suit and a mask before changing into it and putting on the mask. Ten minutes later another maid came and retrieved him.

Her name was displayed as Rhea. She was just an ordinary maid. Kyoya followed her into a ballroom with a great banquet laid out on the long table.

 The guests were all wearing clothes that resembled ancient costumes, and they all wore a mask. When the door opened and Kyoya walked in the music stopped and all eyes were on him. Everyone gave a slight bow of their head to show the duke respect.

The music resumed and everyone continued enjoying themselves with a glass of wine. Kyoya slowly walked in the midst of the crowd observing and avoiding those who wanted to approach him. 

He noticed the sand in the hourglass was quickly running out. Others keep approaching either asking for a dance or to drink and talk about matters like forming an alliance with other kingdoms.

Kyoya knew his purpose was to help Cielo and not to waste time here, but he knew he must persist and pass this test before he could do so. He also found a clue on what the key to passing this test was. He spotted his target and walked forward.

He walked to a teen that was on the same height as him wearing a full suite of white and a silver mask. He touched the shoulder of the stranger and the stranger burst into a wisp of smoke and disappeared, besides Kyoya no one else noticed this.

Kyoya quickly looked around the room and spotted the teen. This time he was wearing different clothes, but the silver mask was the same and Kyoya was sure he was the same person.

The person jumped out the window and Kyoya quickly followed. Outside was now dark and a full moon hung in the sky. Kyoya came to a garden and saw a white figure flash by.

" Stop!", he shouted.

The person stopped the moment the sand in the hourglass ran out. He didn't turn around, " My name is Kaito the demon Hunter. We will meet in the future. Come on Tsuna."

Tsuna grabbed his hand and threw something to Kyoya before he disappeared with Kaito.

Kyoya looked at the ring in his palm with a purple gem. He smiled slowly.

Another announcement echoed in Cielo's mind, " Congratulations to Hibari Kyoya, who cleared the test of Persistence and is rewarded the title of Cloud guardian."

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