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Hello readers we have reached the finale of Fantasy within KHR book 2. This is the 200 chapter in the series. I want to thank all the readers, and fan of the series. Your support is appreciated.

This chapter is dedicated to these readers;

1st place reader with the most comments and votes goes to Crazy-Blue05

2nd place DragonShadow9632468

3rd place s10073047

4th place Aljamanlujaen

5th place abood70

And to those I haven't mentioned thank you as well and return for book 3 the final book of the series. I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year!✨

The next morning Cielo and his guardians returned. They dropped off their mission at the academy and were rewarded. They didn't stay intending to go home. As they approached the mansion they saw countless people at the gates.

They all stopped in their tracks at the sight in front of them. Next to the gate of the mansion there was a dead body tied to a pole. The body was slashed over a thousand times and was blood. Despite all this it was still recognizable as it belonged to one Sawada Nana.

The crowd was made up of a few civilians and the greater part was made up of flame users. All the heirs and their guardians were present, the Vindice, the headmaster of the Academy of Flames, the Sawada brothers, Leymitsu's guardians, and his protector Reborn.

" Cielo, do you know why she was placed here?", Takeshi questioned. Before Cielo could reply Hayato scolded, " Don't be stupid. This is sending a message or trying to frame Cielo."

" Hayato is right, and I know exactly who it was.", Cielo chuckled nonchalantly as they got closer to the crowd. Soon they were noticed. Leymitsu rushed towards him but was grabbed by Reborn, he shouted at Cielo, " It's you!"

Cielo didn't spare him a glance but asked the Vindice who were investigating the case, “ How long will you let the body remain here? Please remove it. I can't stand the sight of that bitch even if she is dead."

The Vindice replied, " We will take it away shortly. Do you know why it was out here in the first place?" Cielo answered without a care, " Someone was doing me a favor. It's a pity I didn't get the chance to kill her personally. She deserved a more crueler death."

This cause others to stare at him with strange eyes. The body was removed and the crowd dispersed. Before leaving Leymitsu shot him a look of deep hatred which Cielo didn't pay attention to.

That night a video started circulating in all of Namimori. It was a video with Nana and Cielo meeting on the rooftop. Their conversation was also recorded in it loud and clear. All who watched it heard when Cielo threaten to kill Nana. The person who released the video provided evidence that Cielo was the key suspect in her murder.

When Cielo saw it the next morning at breakfast his only remark was, " She(culprit) sure moves fast." That day the Sawada brothers were absent including Leymitsu's guardians. School dismissed early since it's the last day and everyone headed home.

Cielo, his guardians, Futta and Bianchi were walking home and discussing the heated topic of the murder scene. They didn't mention the video since they knew why Cielo had confronted Nana.

Half way to the mansion they were ambushed by Leymitsu and his guardians. Reborn remained in a tree ready to watch the show his stupid student was about to put on."

Leymitsu came face to face with Cielo. He was really mad that his mother was killed, and the suspect of her murder was walking around freely. He put on his pair of gauntlets and his guardians also readied their weapons.

They weren't stupid in believing that Cielo was the murder after all he had an alabi and he was a person who would have committed the murder in the open. He would put her body at the gates of the Sawada's mansion instead of his. They didn't want to face off against Cielo's guardians but they were instructed by their Sky.

Cielo's guardians didn't remain idle either. Someone came after their innocent sky with bad intentions. They drew their weapons. There was a burst of thunder and lightning as a shower of rain came down soaking them.

" You murderer! You were the one who killed my mother.", Leymitsu yelled. Cielo smiled in the rain his voice calm, " She deserved it. After all she always says one must pay for their sins but you have forgotten."

" Stop sprouting nonsense. Go!", Leymitsu ordered his guardians. Cielo told his guardians, " Don't harm the innocent. Their Sky is stupid but not them."

There was a chorus of , " Understood!" as weapons clashed above the sound of rain. Half an hour later Cielo's side had the other side restrained. The rain stopped revealing the scene of destruction caused by the two groups.

Cielo who was silently facing his brother while surveying the surroundings finally made a move. He teleported right in front of Leymitsu. The others thought they were finally going to face off, but something out of their expectations happened.

Cielo pushed Leymitsu to the ground as a sword came out of no where. It failed to kill the original target and went right through Cielo instead, staining his clothes around the wound red.

" Cielo!", The others shouted. Instead of paying attention to them he chuckled, " After a year of spying on me you finally showed yourself Narcissus. You killed that bitch and released the video you took of us that day. Well done."

" Hahahaha I finally saw your weakness. It's him isn't it?", Narcissus asked looking at the sword that went right through his body. She had appeared out of nowhere.

Cielo ignored the sword inside him since he didn't feel any pain. His soul flames protected his internal organs while his sun flames were healing his wound. There was a smile that wasn't a smile on his face. He looked in front of him at Leymitsu who he had saved. He kept the promise he made that year, he saved his brother by risking his own life.

" I must thank you for killing that bitch Sawada. But you made a fatal mistake former apostle of Shiva. Who gave you permission to aim at my prey. You lowly demon dare to touch something that this ruler has his eyes on?!", Cielo activated his soul flames.

Blue soul chains appeared as it quickly bounded her to where she stood. Cielo pulled out the sword and it turned to dust. He snapped his fingers and soul flames engulfed her. He commanded coldly, "Burn!"

Narcissus screamed as she felt her entire being and soul being burned alive by these mysterious flames. She was in excruciating pain that left her screaming until her life came to an end. Just before she turned to ash blown away by the wind, she regretted, if only she had heeded her Lord's warning not to interfere with this teen.

Having dealt with her Cielo turned to Leymitsu and gently wiped off the drop of blood that splashed onto his right cheek. The action was gentle but the words were ruthless, "In the future no one except I shall end your life" Leymitsu was in a daze, he asked foolishly, " You saved me?"

" I saved you only so I can take away the same life that I saved in the end", came Cielo's cold reply. He regained his frosty appearance as his voice echoed across all worlds, " It's time to end this with my own hands. You Demons and greedy Humans alike bow to this supreme lord!"

He activated his soul flames in full not suppressing it. A beam of light swept over the world as a new realm opened before their eyes. It was a huge hole in the sky revealing a secret realm in the center of the universe. It was a vast world with fairy tale sceneries. A flight of stairs descended and stopped at his feet.

Not looking at anyone he told the group to follow. Together those ten persons disappeared from this world. But just for a short while, because the story continues with the upcoming war against the demons.

Here ends book two of Fantasy within KHR.....

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