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" We all wanted to know what the relationship between Cielo and Sawada Leymitsu like we always wanted to, but you two already knew didn't you?", Mukuro looked at the Storm and Rain with a knowing look. This caught the attention of the others  as they too looked at duo.

" We found out when we went to the parallel universe.", Hayato admitted. Takeshi inserted, " In that world there was no Sawada Leymitsu. The Sawada only had one son by the name of Sawada Tsunayoshi." Hayato further explained, " The reason why we guessed the truth was because that Tsuna's guardians were all our parallel selves. In addition Cielo's attitude to Tsuna was odd."

" So the big question that remains is, what happened to the two brothers who loved each other for one to hate the other while the other doesn't recognize his brother ?", Rhyohei wondered. Kyoya smirked, " I guess we will soon find out.

They proceeded with opening a few doors that showed them how Tsuna and Leymitsu secretly loved each other but in front of their parents they never interacted because Nana and Iemitsu hated Tsuna for unknown reasons.

The next major memory was one year later after Tsuna became five and Leymitsu was four. It was a scene with Nana slapping Tsuna on the top of the stairs when he misspoke and called her mother.

The guardians watched how the couple took Tsuna to the torture chamber that night. They knew about this chamber because in Tsuna's memories he was always brought here to be punished. The guardians knew Tsuna didn't mind being punished because he always held on to Leymitsu's promise, so he could bare the pain.

They moved on to the next memory of the following morning. Tsuna got dressed and took up a photo of himself and Leymitsu. With that he went to make breakfast. When he saw the couple and his brother he secretly smiled towards Leymitsu like he normally does, but his brother's reaction was rejection.

The guardians looked on as Leymitsu lied to his parents how Tsuna forced him to play when they were absent by threatening to kill him. The scene progressed to the confrontation between Tsuna and Leymitsu.

Tsuna knelt down infront of him and asked, " Ley kun did your Tsu-nii ever do anything to hurt you? If no then why did you lie?"

" Tsu-nii? You don't deserve to be called that after what you did the day you were born. Mama and papa told me last night. I always wondered why they hate you so much. Now I know I don't want anything to do with you. You deserved to be hated and I will never love you again.", Leymitsu said harshly.

Tsuna could no longer ignore the pain in his heart. The only part left untouched had also crumbled and began to freeze. He was now numb but still a single tear escaped from his eyes as he remembered the promise his brother made to him.

Tsuna came back to the present and was startled to see Leymitsu right in his face. His strong Intuition warned him of something dangerous but he didn't believe his brother was dangerous. How wrong he was!

Leymitsu took a knife he had kept under his pile of toys he directly stabbed it into his brother's heart. Then his parents appeared out of nowhere and helped him push the knife further into Tsuna's heart. Tsuna didn't scream nor cried. He just stared at them blankly before he closed his eyes and made darkness take over him.

" He died without screaming. I wanted to hear him scream.", Nana complained. Iemitsu hugged her and said, " No worries Nana. He is finally dead and out of our lives. Well done Ley kun. I better call Estraneo and sell the body to them for a nice amount of money."

" Mama and papa I am glad that I stabbed big brother he won't make you guys sad again.", Leymitsu hugged his parents.

The scene ended there. As the group stood in the corridor they had different reactions. They finally knew why Cielo hated Leymitsu. He didn't feel emotions except towards his brother, but that same brother betrayed him.

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