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AN: Reminder that this is the arc before the future arc. Byakuran will not appear since he didn't want to mess up this world's timeline when Shiro( This Universe's Byakuran) will soon send Vongola to the future.

After that meeting with Mukuro and Kyoya Cielo had finally met all guardians of his counterpart. He just had not met up with his counterpart as yet.

As for Tsuna and his guardians they were now openly followed or observed by the one they came to know as Cielo. They had gathered and discussed their individual meeting with him. This gave them a general idea of what kind of person he was.

Apart from the stranger Cielo, there was another four strange teens that popped up in Namimori and could be seen from time to time. Coincidentally or not they had all been to the places Cielo had been.

There was a Goldilocks that always seem to spy on Cielo while chatting with her boyfriend over the phone. The teen called Reborn who watched them all like a hawk or detective who seem to be trying to crack a case.

Then there was the blonde twins. The pair was so different, it didn't seem they were brothers much less twins. One suspiciously behave like a certain storm guardian of Tsuna while the other one was like a certain rain guardian of Tsuna.

Reborn, Tsuna, and his fellow guardians were aware that these strangers were from another universe based on the conversation Mukuro and Kyoya heard that day. They also knew that after this Saturday they will never appear again.

O Tsuna's pov

Lately instead of sleeping I came here at my window and gaze at the moon. That's not the real reason why I came here. The reason is because of the person sitting on the edge of my roof right above my window. I hurriedly came here tonight hoping he is here.

" Are you here?", I leaned on the window and called out softly.

" Yes.", Cielo answered me. I am happy he was there.

" I heard that you were going away tomorrow, Willi ever see you again?", I inquired.

" You might not know it, but if you look in the mirror you can naturally see me.", Cielo's answer confused me a bit.

" Oh. Can I see you tomorrow before you leave?", I seem to be asking a lot of questions, but he didn't seem to mind.

" Oh? Are you saying you will miss me?", He seemed to be amused. Not wanting to lie I nodded in embarrassment. No one could blame me for it, I just feel a connection between us and came to like him.

He jumped off he roof and landed down below on the lawn. He motion for me to follow him. Without thinking I followed his instructions. He held out his hand to me and I took it, I trusted him since my intuition said so.

Night flames enveloped us and when it disappeared we were no longer at my house. We were on a beach and it was sunny. I immediately guessed that this was a country that was several hours behind Japan, since it was day here and night there.

After that he took me to many places. We didn't exchange a word, only stared at the scenery. We ate a few snacks from some of those places and played a few games. In short we had fun. Maybe this was why he was here in the first place, to have fun.

He took me back to my room and since I was too tired from the trip I fell asleep instantly not hearing what he said when he left.

End of pov...

Cielo looked at his counterpart sleeping with a look as if he was contended. It was just a moment of impulse taking his counterpart with him just now, but he was far from contended. Something was missing.

Cielo sighted. Leaving through the window he left these words behind, " You might be me and I might be you but we are nothing alike."

After he was gone a toddler came out of the shadows.

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