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The group was back in the corridor.

Hayato, " We now cleared up some of our earlier doubts."

Takeshi, " Like who Cielo was."

Kyoya, " How he ended up at Estraneo."

Ryohei, " Why he had nine flames to begin with."

Mukuro, " Who saved him."

Chrome, " Why he was indifferent to everything."

Lambo, " Uhh guys I think we miss an important point here." They all looked at him in surprise. He continued, " Cielo is indifferent to everything, including his parents. Then what about his reaction towards them after Bianchi gave him that thing?"

" You have a point.", they all said at the same time. They knew the lighting could be smart at times, after all no one around Cielo was stupid.

They moved on to the next major memory of when Cielo settled Luce down then met Bianchi at the door the next morning. Hayato now finally discovered what his sister's job was that one year apart.

The memory moved on to when Cielo disguised as Kaito started slaughtering Demons to find Shiva the Demon Lord who hurt Luce. After that conversation with Luce in the garden Cielo returned to his room and locked the door.

" Humans, Isn't that a big joke ?", Cielo muttered without humor. He used his hand to lift the hair covering those frosty blue eyes of his, " Humans are such despicable creatures. To have your own child and sold them to a lab. Those scientist are humans as well yet they can commit such an act. But am I not the biggest joke? I used my two hands to kill those children what does that make me?"

Cielo let out a breath and reverted to his old self just as Bianchi's voice floated through the door calling him for lunch. Cielo turned and left the room.

The scenes went by as Luce's health got worse. Cielo called Bianchi over and told her to prepare Luce then she could leave with her pay. He wished her and her brother all the best. After Bianchi left he sat by Luce, telling her about himself. Luce once again confessed that she would like for him to be her son before she took her last breath.

Cielo placed her down in the glass coffin and teleported it away with Luce's letter. After that he went out a few more times as Kaito and was told where he could meet Shiva. After a month he cleaned the apartment and left to find Shiva. It came as no surprise that Shiva defeated and captured him.

Then the group came upon a red door. It was made from a red wood that resembled the color of blood. There was a chain on the door. It looked like the door to a dungeon. It was the first door that looked different from the ones prior. They opened the door and after it shut behind them they were faced with darkness and a strange chill.

The darkness disappeared revealing that they were in a dungeon. There was only a bed and a teen in the room. The sheets on the bed were snow white complimenting the teen's white skin and hair. This teen was naturally Cielo.

This gave the guardians a big shock. The last memory Cielo just turned eleven now he looked like he was fifteen. This meant that Cielo has been locked here for four whole years and those four years of memories were missing!

Cielo was dressed in white. He stood up on the cold floor with bare feet. There was a sound of chains as he moved seeing that both his ankles and wrists were bound by a special black chain. Cielo didn't seem to mind.

He smiled as his inner thoughts became active, " Hahaha. Such a long four years. With these secrets I can destroy the world with filthy humans and Demons."

His smile disappeared as his thoughts changed, " I finally discovered for a fact that I am not a human, this role of mine to keep the balance between the races is such a heavy burden. I don't want to protect the world, I want to watch it burn. What's so valuable about life? If it was valuable I would not have ended up here in the first place, It's all because of him!"

( Him/ Leymitsu)*

Cielo snapped out of his thoughts as if he suddenly realized something. He burst out into laughter, " Hahaha, finally the day is here when I can finally leave! Shiva left his domain so it's time for me to leave the Demon realm."

Cielo activated his nine flames, broke his chains, and gave the wall a punch that left the wall crumbling to dust. There was a blazing alarm that came from nowhere. Cielo gave the dungeon one last look before dashing off in the night with speed faster than lightning.

The guardians witnessed how he was chased down by a legion of demons. He activated an unknown demonic power and faced off against them. In the destruction he slipped away jumping into the wormhole that exited the demon realm.

Cielo and the group landed on the beach in Italy where they discovered that Cielo had turn fifteen and he had been locked up and tortured for four years. He then decided to go back to Namimori Japan to attend the Academy of flames and stay away from Shiva in the meanwhile.

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