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The End of Summer gathering was a huge and exciting event, it was so festive it could easily be mistaken for a festival. Here everyone can relax, socialize, play games, listen to music, and even dance for entertainment. In other words have tons of fun.

The Academy's staff, a few teachers, the present Arcobalenos, the different kingdom heirs, and their guardians enjoyed the day to the fullest.

However one individual had no part in the fun whatsoever. From atop where he sat, Cielo observed everything with his usual indifferent expression and checked his watch at regular intervals.

When the event reached the sixth hour(6pm) a shock wave swept across the beach blowing away every and anything that wasn't rooted to the ground, leaving the beach almost barren.

Everyone looked at the origin which was far across the ocean in front of them. Those with keen eyesight that could see over the distance instantly became tense and stood on their feet.

An army of humanoid Demons with scales were quickly approaching the beach. They all differed in size and stature, but the scales were common trait amongst them revealing that they had an affinity with water.

When the first wave of demons was just one hundred meters from the beach the lighting flame users stepped forward and created a huge barrier stopping them in their tracks for a short while.

The next moment those behind the front lines mercilessly trampled those stuck in front to bombard the barrier. Tiny cracks can be seen in the electric barrier as more demons bombarded it with flames, weapons, and spells.

As the first layers of the shield came crashing down the teachers and heirs started giving instructions as they prepared to stop the incoming tide of invading demons.

It was vital that they kept the demons at bay to protect the civilians in this part of the country safe. At least until the Kingdoms sent reinforcement. Everyone spread out and prepared for battle.

Five minutes later the last barrier shattered and the two sides met and faced off against each other in a fierce confrontation. Even though the heirs and their guardians were slightly inexperienced they could handle themselves against an army of medium level and higher demons.

In the dusk bright and beautiful lights flashed creating a symphony of breathtaking fireworks. Accompanied by these lights were sounds of battle.

Clank! Slam! Bang! Crack!

Bang! Bang! Boom! Dong!

*Shouts. Screams. Demon wailing*

It was utter chaos. But even if the sky was splitting in two there were still people indifferent in the world. Cielo sat back in his high chair apparently sleeping. It was impossible to sleep through such racket and blood bath, yet he made it possible.

There was not even one hundred individuals attending the End of Summer gathering so all hands were on deck to fight off the demons, no one payed attention to one lone individual.

It was different for those from Cielo's Mansion. They never once forgot to pay attention to Cielo. Once the army had started invading the first thing that came to their minds were Cielo's warning.

Despite helping their classmates they always kept an eye on him while maintaining their distance from him. His behavior left them stumped. From his warning the night before he clearly knew that something would happen.

His meeting with Mest in the morning was rather odd. And now while they were being attacked and faced grave danger, he decided it was the perfect time to sleep. Cielo was too strange.

When the fight had carried on for more than an hour due to the overwhelming number disadvantage on the Academy's side something finally happened.

" Fortress Wall!", a clear voice sounded amidst all the chaos. The ground started shaking. A huge wall belonging to a fortress rose up along the coastline, separating the beach from the demons.

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