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Cielo sat in the empty dining room and had his meal. After finishing he took a bath and came out wearing a set of pyjamas. He moved the curtain and looked next door to the house that was lit up now under the dark of night. He was just about to close the window when he spotted a pair of onyx eyes looking at him from the upstairs window of the next house.

O Reborn's pov

I am in my student's room and just happened to look out the window of the next door house that was supposed to be empty. Surprisingly my eyes met a white hair teen that just so happened to glance out at the upstairs window coincidentally at the same time.

The moment our eyes met my intuition I honed from being a hitman for many years started blaring warning signs in my head.

Don't approach!

Higher terrestrial lifeform detected!

Danger of the highest degree detected!

Don't become an enemy of this strange being!

Don't anger this lifeform at any possible time!

Don't investigate this lifeform by any chance!

No malice from the lifeform is directed at you are anyone else around you!

' WHAT THE HELL!! JUST WHAT IS HE??!!', I thought inwardly startled and annoyed.

When I shook the distracting thoughts out of my head the window and curtain next door was already closed. It seemed as if he went to bed.

End of pov...

The next morning Cielo woke up early and made a light breakfast. He dressed in white T-shirt and shorts, tying his hair back with a blue ribbon and pinning his bangs to the side with blue hairpins. His blue eyes carried a blizzard within as he looked at the sun rising.

When he lowered his eyes he started jogging before he found a street bench to sit on. He then saw another sun running by, this sun was in the form of a short white hair teen in a jogger's suit. It was this world's Sasagawa Ryohei.

O Ryohei's pov

This morning is so fresh and cool a perfect time for my extreme morning run. I was running my usual route when I came across a white hair teen that was sitting on a bench. From the looks of it he too came too for a morning run.

I slowed down upon approaching him and stopped.

" Good morning to the extreme! I see you are new to the neighborhood, would you like a tour to the extreme while jogging?", I inquired.

He lowered his head seemingly thinking about it.

He shook his head and looked at me. I just noticed when I directly looked into his eyes they seem to be able to freeze one's soul, also I should mention that he felt familiar to him like I have met him before.

" Hello there Ryohei. Would you like to sit with me instead?", He asked. I didn't bother questioning how he knew my name, instead I gladly sat on the bench next to him.

" Did you just move here? What's your name to the extreme?", realising I wasn't being polite I clumped my mouth shut.

He answered me though, " I came here on a trip with the others to have fun. Back where I came from I have always been busy, so I treat this as a vacation while I treat the two I brought with me to have some well deserved fun in a new game a marshmallow prince cooked up. As for my name call me the ice prince."

" So you are not alone, you came here with your friends or family?", I commented.

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