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Upon returning to his room Cielo closed the door and changed into a set of pyjamas. He sat crossed led on his bed and extended his hand in front of him. A small ice mirror appeared on his palms. Inside the mirror was the real Sky pacifier. He fed the pacifier with his sky flames until it couldn't hold anymore.

The mirror vanished back to where it came from and Cielo slumped down on his bed clearly exhausted. He muttered half asleep, " That perverted doctor thinks I am stressed, not at all, it's my heart that is hurting not my mental well-being."

The next morning breakfast was prepared by the females and the table was set by the males. The ten residents of the mansion sat down with the five guests. Guests remaining Hana, Haru, Kyoko, Chikusu, and Ken. There flight back to Italy was set in the evening.

" I didn't ask last night, but are you really sick Cielo?", Hayato asked for the rest of them. Takeshi had just told them his symptoms of the strange fever nothing else. Cielo answered, " It's just a backlash when I used my powers yesterday. I am better."

" Does that mean you used your flames too much in one day?", Mukuro was puzzled as was the rest. Cielo had trained them on the island and used his flames often never facing a backlash.

" When school reopens in a few days don't take a lot of missions, focus on becoming stronger than you already are.", Cielo changed the topic and they listened attentively, " The missions you take will be treated as training for you and your newly contracted familiars."

" Will you be with us during these missions?", Kyoya queried. Cielo shook his head and continued eating his breakfast. Before dinnertime the others accompanied the guests to the airport and returned after the plane had taken off. They had dinner with Cielo and that was that.

The day after new years everyone was out and about. Cielo strolled the streets aimlessly not paying attention to the demonic presence that was always following him from sometime last year. That idiotic thing hadn't even realized that it had been discovered long ago, and even if it did it wasn't going to give up.

Cielo just passed by a Mansion and the door happened to open and someone was unluckily blasted out. Cielo stopped as a figure with blonde hair landed in the middle of the road right in front of him. He raised an eyebrow recognising the person; Dino Cavalone heir of the Cavalone Kingdom.

The person who was responsible for sending Dino flying was standing at the door of the mansion cursing, " Trashy horse. The hell?! We planned to let me choose the game. Humph!"

Then there was suddenly a peel of laughter as an albino came to the door, " Hahaha sorry Dino, we did agree that Xanxus will choose today's game. That must have hurt, Romario isn't here to prevent your falls."

Byakuran the heir of the Gesso Kingdom and leader of the funeral wreaths. He has the power to enter parallel universes. Xanxus heir of Varia, the Sub Kingdom of Vongola. Stepson of the current Vongola King.

The trio were conversing at first until they noticed Cielo standing where Dino had landed. They realised that they had almost smashed the indifferent ice prince in their antics. Byakuran greeted Cielo like they were close friends, " Hi Cielo, it's been a while. Why don't we catch up for old times sake?"

" I don't have anything doing at the moment, so why not?",  Cielo agreed without caring much. Xanxus observed him before commenting, " Tch. You didn't tell him the names of the other three, I am sure he will decline knowing that fool will also be there."

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