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..... Somewhere in Namimori......

.....A few hours after Cielo left Chrome and Lambo......

Hayato and Takeshi came to this universe with Cielo and have been here for a week now. Currently the two disguised as blonde twins were walking under the streetlights in the late evening. They were conversing while they walked.

" So, Hayato, what have you gathered about the us that belongs here?", Takeshi have been wondering about this for sometime now. He asked the storm who was walking by his side.

" Pathetic. They don't have a sky like Cielo, but I guess that Sawada Tsunayoshi isn't all that bad. He is nothing like Cielo.", Hayato stated matter-of-factly, he sounded as if he was gloating.

" Hayato don't be harsh." Takeshi reprimanded before continuing, " I just think it's a good thing that they do have a sky that loves them and cherish them like how Cielo cherishes us even if he hasn't admitted that we are his elements."

" Of course you are right. Cielo is naturally the best at everything. I wonder if he is having fun, he looks like he could use a little happiness.", Hayato admitted.

His last statement surprised Takeshi a little when he actually said it out loud, on the other hand he thinks it was not so surprising. Everyone in the mansion could see that Cielo had it difficult. He was all alone, without family and friends, and he was hunted down by troublesome demon lords for unknown reasons.

" You are right. He doesn't get the chance to have even a little familial happiness, so let's get stronger, all of us! In order to become his guardians and then we would all be his family and let him smile for once.", Takeshi swore.

Hayato looked at Takeshi and agreed. He knew from the sparks that went off when the rain swore that oath for Cielo that he had feelings for their ice prince. In his heart he hoped that in the end the rain will stay true to his feelings and don't deceive Cielo because he considered Cielo as his sky as well.

Cielo helped them countless times, he was their mentor, guardian, and leader. Unfortunately they fell short in strength to declare that they were worthy of being his guardians. Hayato also swore deep down to become stronger in order to be name one of Cielo's guardians.

Thinking back to the first time all those years ago when his sister first told him about that blue eyed boy that viewed the world differently he sighted. Cielo's story wasn't simple nor was his identity.

No family, no friends, no emotions. He once said he didn't believe in the words such as love, family, or friendship, but that didn't change the fact that he helped them countless times providing them with everything they could ever wish for, yet he didn't seem to care that no one returned it to him. He was lonely.

" Takeshi don't you think there is something odd about all this?", Hayato looked up at the stars that had been gathering in the sky overhead.

" Odd?", Takeshi repeated puzzled.

" Yes.", Hayato nodded.

" What's odd?", Takeshi stopped and followed his gaze at the stars.

" Cielo." Hayato answered.

" His very existence is out of the ordinary. What could have caused a person to abandon their views of the world to the point of indifference to everything?" He asked.

Takeshi thought of the answer.

" For a child to be born, he or she must belong to a family. It's more than odd. Cielo who lacks emotions has a hatred for the Sawada's family. If that's not odd enough there is a Sawada in this world that doesn't exist in our world."

" That Sawada is the sky of this world's us. There is no record of a Cielo ever born in this world, in other words he never existed. This is a parallel universe, so by hindsight if a person exist here his parallel self must also exist."

" Cielo doesn't exist in our world and neither does he exist here. The truth of the matter is; he is someone else.", Hayato concluded.

The two came to a shocking realisation at the same time, " You don't think....?!"

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