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A Lunar eclipse was a phenomenon that happened once in several years, so imagine the amazement for those on earth to witness such a spectacle. The one responsible stood in space facing off against his opponent.

Cielo held the sceptre high in front of him and collected sunlight from the part of the sun showing from behind the moon. The crystal orb continued collecting sunlight until the orb became a small sun almost blinding the nearby spectators.

" Miniscule sun!", Cielo chanted. The small sun became a strong beam of light capable of burning a hole in the earth, its target was none other than Ota. Ota didn't take Cielo seriously at all, he waved his hand and space folded in front of him forming multiple dimensions between him and the attack.

The beam of light was not deterred as it crash through one dimension after the other. In a second it was stopped by Ora's right hand. The beam burned the skin off his palm revealing dark red blood that was almost black.

A drop of blood fell and disappeared in the void and the sun beam dissipated. The eclipse ended. Ota was slightly surprised, " How did you accomplish such a feat of destroying my dimensions across space?"

" Is it so surprising? I mastered night flames to the point that I can manipulate space. It might not be on par with you who is a lord of space, but as you can see it's still useful.", Cielo was indifferent,  not showing even a slight look of victory for being able to wound a Demon lord. He knew it wasn't anything to rejoice over.

" Well done. You are such a precious treasure that us Demon Lords covet, oh how pleasing it would be to get you all for myself.", Ota lamented.

A vicious light flashes deep within the eyes of Cielo as he tightened his grip on his sceptre. He let out a mocking laugh that sent chills down people's spines, " Is that all? There it is again! You are mine, you are a toy, you are a puppet, you are an experiment, you are not a human so you don't have free will, you were born to belong to others and don't deserve to be loved!

" Time and time again! If it's not the humans it's you demons. You push me further and further over the edge until there is no return, so what?! Its all fine I will send you all to damnation with me!"

A dagger with a familiar blue magic rune on its hilt appeared replacing the sceptre in Cielo's hand. Without hesitation he took it with both hands flipped it around and to the surprise of all those who were present plunged it into his own heart.

He didn't feel pain in the moment as the layers of ice surrounding his heart cracked allowing him to injure his own heart. A beautiful red colour blossomed from where the knife stabbed into his chest staining his white robe red. A line of blood came from the corner of his mouth as he became deathly white.

He didn't feel anything he just smiled as he pulled out the dagger and flung it away. His smile didn't contain any warmth, it's a smile that was indifferent to life and death not caring if the entire world burned in front of his very eyes.

Ota knew that something was horribly wrong, he looked at Cielo and questioned, " What did you do?"

" Nothing much, I just sacrificed part of my soul to seal half of your original powers. You might still be powerful enough to battle the other demon lords, but you can never fight for the throne of the netherworld king. Hahaha how does it feel to have your dreams crushed by a mere toy that you coveted?", Cielo tilted his head as he asked innocently.

" You?!!", Ota exclaimed as if he had seen a ghost.

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