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Kyoya's forbidden move was up and had a cool down period. Futta was still in his mage mode; his forbidden move when he changed into his wizard robes and summon his wand. His mage mode was flexible, he could turn it on and off at will.

As for the twin mists their forbidden move had six paths. They can activate the six paths of reincarnation once each day, one path can last for half an hour with a cool down time of thirty minutes, they could switch between each paths but once the duration is up they can no longer use that path.

Lambo and Ryohei haven't activated their forbidden move as yet. They decided to use it now facing Nagammai they activated them. Lambo removed his helmet and the armor disappeared.

Raising his hand to the sky he shouted, " Forbidden move Shazam!" A blinding bolt of lightning came down from the heavens and struck Lambo. When the bolt disappeared Lambo stood there with his new look.

His afro became spiky hair that looked like it was toast by lightning. He had on a pair of green boots that had two lightning bolts on their side and the bottom sends out electricity. These were the speed boots. His body was covered by a thin layer of green film; this was his defensive barrier.

He snapped his finger, " Barriers up" immediately the ones from the mansion were covered with the same green film. His forbidden move was team oriented, after all the lightning's job was to defend.

Ryohei followed by activated his forbidden move, " Forbidden move, healing buff!" A yellow ball of flames appeared in his hand and shot out light towards Mukuro, Kyoya, Chrome, Futta, Lambo, and Ryohei himself.

This forbidden move was also team oriented because as a sun flame user Ryohei can provide healing to himself and his team mates as long as he can keep up with the flame usage. That's why he trained his stamina to the extreme.

Seeing everyone ready to partake in the upcoming battle the Apostles drew their weapons and activated their powers. Facing off against the twin mists Gundan drew his Scythe. The weapon created a cut in the space when i was drawn creating a cut in space that black fog came out along with the cries of despairing ghosts that lost their lives to the weapon.

The twins did not back down to this powerful foe. They activated the fourth of the six paths and said together, " Fourth path, realm of humans!"

Since they were already humans it just raised their normal attributes like strength, speed, endurance etc. Tridents at the ready they moved in for the kill. Avoiding his scythe they attacked him from both sides.

Gundan let out an eerie chuckle, " What feisty little humans. Ha ha ha . Come at me, one thin I like is to tease my preys1" Mukuro and chrome just glanced at each other and knew what they were both thinking, there was no need to speak when their minds were combined as one.

" Familiars combined!", they shouted. Wu Si near by opened his mouth wide like a gaping maw and swallowed his sister Si Wu. There was a rumbling as the male ouroboros upon swallowing his sister began expanding and growing in size.

His scales were a mix of his and his sister's scales, how they glistened rather ominously. He was now the size of the Midgard serpent from the legends and his size could wrap around the statue of liberty.

Wu Si spat out a breath of fog that quickly spread out on the entire block and obscured the sight of almost everyone. Only a selected few could see through the fog both those in it had to be careful or else they would loose their way and their lives to the enemy.

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