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Hayato landed quiet hard. To make it more painful another person landed on his back. The person exclaimed, " Ouch! That hurts. Where is this?" The voice could not be more familiar as it belonged to Lambo. Hayato quickly became annoyed, " You! Get off me you brat."

Lambo rolled off Hayato's back and stood up brushing himself off. Hayato got up and took the chance to look around. They were at the foot of a tower that looked like a skyscraper and it had a long iron pole at it's top that resembles a lightning rod.

" What is this place, it even has a door at the foot where someone can enter?", Lambo asked the only person present. Hayato didn't know, but there were two people who suddenly appeared to answer their doubts, " That's the place where your test will be held."

It was a teen dressed in white and had on a white mask carrying a little brunette on his shoulder. These two were Kaito and Tsuna; wisps of Cielo's consciousness. Two guardians to be were paired together so naturally there two persons overseeing their test.

" Who are you?", the two asked at the same time. Kaito gave a slight bow, " I am Kaito the demon hunter. I am here to oversee Hayato's challenge, and this is Tsuna Lambo's guide. We don't serve any purpose we just watch and observe."

Tsuna floated over and opened his palms. He had two notes with their challenge. He handed Hayato a golden Compass and to Lambo he gave a bracelet with a metal sheen. On the bracelet a glowing bar with a lightning bolt symbol inside was displayed, currently the bar was empty.

" This test is somewhat special. Lambo is required to pass his test in order for Hayato to start his. In addition, Lambo must remain in his test for Hayato to pass his. Lambo's test will be taxing so the longer Hayato takes to pass his test there is a high chance that Lambo will fail his test.", Kaito explained.

" Note if Lambo fails his test before Hayato pass his then both of you will automatically fail. In other words, you two will have to team up and trust each other for you to pass your tests. Are you ready?", Tsuna added.

Hayato and Lambo exchanged glances before turning to the two and said in unison, " Yes we are ready!". Tsuna then motions for Lambo to come along with him. They reached the strange tower and Lambo walked in on a floating platform. The door closed after he entered, and Tsuna floated above him. The floating platform slowly started to rise.

" You already know what to do, don't you?", Tsuna asked. Lambo nodded took a deep breath and activated his flames. His eyes started glowing green. The bar on his bracelet was being filled slowly like a trickle. Lambo started manipulating his flames and his feet generated lightning that was fed into the platform.

The platform then let out streaks of lightning that struck some strange pillars inside the tower. The entire tower started lighting up. Outside the clear skies became clouded. Dark clouds were quickly forming with the sound of rumbling thunder and streaks of lightning. A storm was on the horizon. Hayato watch and waited.

Back in the tower Lambo was putting in more and more energy. The bar on display was half full and the tower started glowing brighter. At the same time the storm became fiercer and rain started falling in a heavy downpour. Winds picked up and the lighting and thunder became even more vicious. This was a fully developed storm that was spreading across the plain.

" You can start now.", Kaito informed Hayato. Hayato dashed off in the rain with the Compass in hand. His task was to brave danger and reach the eye of the storm. On Lambo's side the platform was rising sending out bolts of lightning to charge the tower.

The name of this tower was Thunder Tower. It was charged by lightning, and its purpose was to create a storm on the plains.

As the minutes went by Lambo found it harder to keep outputting his flames. The tower took a lot of energy to stay powered on. The bar was three quarters filled. Remembering that Hayato was depending on him he was determined to keep holding on. 

The platform rose up then connected to a larger platform that went to the roof. All pieces then connected, and Lambo found himself on the narrow roof with the lightning rod they had spotted in the distance.

The pole was currently sending a beam of green lightning into the clouds above. This was the accumulation of his energy that was charging the tower. He put everything he got into one last push.

 The bar displayed on the bracelet was filled to the brim and started flashing same as the tower that was pulsing with a bright light that could be seen from miles away.

In the meanwhile, Hayato was making his way in the harsh storm, avoiding dangerous lightning strikes that struck the ground leaving scorch marks as he followed the direction of the compass leading him to the eye of the storm.

After half an hour he finally reached his destination the same time Lambo was almost out of power. In front of Hayato was Kaito who he had last seen when he started his test half an hour prior.

Kaito looked at him and then handed him a glowing light. The moment he took it the storm was over. Hayato looked into his palm an on it was a silver ring design with a familiar magic circle with a red gem in the middle.

On Lambo's side he would have passed out from flame exertion if Tsuna hadn't restored his energy. The tower was now dormant. Tsuna handed over the last ring to him. It was like the others except his had a green gem.

There was the expected announcement in Cielo's mind, " Congratulations to Lambo Brovino for passing the test of Determination and is awarded the title of Lightning Guardian, and Gokudera Hayato for passing the test of Loyalty and is awarded the title of Storm Guardian!"

" Congratulations to the seven new guardians of Cielo. The Guardian trials now ends here. Your Sky was pleased with the results and has granted you permission to his most secure place, the corridor of memories. This is proof of his trust and acceptance to be your Sky."



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