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The only reason why they haven't noticed anything as yet was because Kawahira's powerful mist flames were actually shielding the destructive battle, noise and damaged caused by the fight between Sapaku and the others from civilians because civilians should be protected not harmed.

" Hahahah you humans are actually good. This is the most fun I have had with my preys!", Sapaku told them proudly. He looked up at the three demon lords who were now sitting on thrones in the sky. He bowed to Shiva, " Lord, do you need for me to delay for another hour?"

" No. You can finish up here its about time he showed up.", Shiva ordered with a wave of his hand. He went back with conversing with the other two. The battle below was not enough to attract his attention, he was not interested in the least. He was just here for him.

The others hearing this knew he was speaking about Cielo. They could have long defeated Sapaku if they had went all out, but they were told during training with Cielo that revealing all moves was never a good decision.

Sapaku made a cut on his index finger and raised it up. A blood bead appeared along the cut and fell. The blood bead contained heat almost as hot as the core of the planet. The demon activated his bloodline, " Bloodline ability, extreme yang."

Those watching  knew if that blood bead came in contact with the ground it would burn a crater right through.

Suddenly the sky that was just welcoming sunrise was covered with dark rain clouds. The rain then fell without warning dousing the flames and washing the traces of battle away. The Demon Lords waved their hands in unison and a large air bubble surrounded the three thrones.

Everyone looked up and saw a glowing blue light. When the light dimmed down it revealed Takeshi in a blue cloak like the others holding a sword. His flames were activated with full force. The rain was naturally his doing. 

His glowing blue eyes surveyed below. He let out a cold smile and aimed the sword at Sapaku's direction. Opening his mouth he spat out the words, " Forbidden move, Cutting rain!" 

Immediately the drops of rain started glowing with a faint blue light as they turned into water blades as tiny as a needle and it can pierce skin and metal. Takeshi made a cross slash in the air and the slash moved at great speeds downwards at Sapaku.

Someone who also just appeared on a huge scarlet dragon also made his move at this time. Hayato dressed in a red cloak stood on the back of Bao his familiar as he positioned himself holding an invisible bow, " Forbidden move, Flaming Arrows!"

The sky was fill with flaming arrows all aimed at Sapaku. So the next minute when both attacks reached the flaming demon he was cut in two and pierced with arrows like a pin cushion. He was burned into a black smoke that quickly dissipated.

The rain stopped and all the damage was restored by Kawahira's mist flames. Bao disappeared and the two new comers joined the others on the ground. Bianchi also sent her familiar back to the monster zone and walked out of the shadows. All nine gathered as they welcome the sunrise in the now clear skies.

Sensing the one who he was waiting for all this time Shiva and the next two got up from their thrones. The thrones disappeared with the bubble and all eyes were on the newest arrival.

The white hair teen was walking in the air leaving glowing blue footprints that faded after another step was taken. He was dressed casually in white. A blue gem was encrusted in the hairpin that pinned his long bangs out of his face revealing those familiar blue eyes colder than a tundra.

The tone he used made everyone aware that he was displeased, " Shiva."

" Cielo.", The Demon Lord of Flames smiled like the most precious treasure in the world fell in his hands.

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