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" Thank you so much. I will go first. Your name Cielo in Italian means Sky, by any chance were you once a sky flame user?", Kyoko questioned eagerly.

" My name isn't associated with any flames. I gave myself that name, but yes I can use Sky flames.", he revealed.

" My turn. What's your ideal type of person you would go on a date with?", when this question was asked by Haru it sounded like she just asked for the sake of going back to gossip with her two female friends.

At this point Takeshi who was drinking juice choke and hurriedly used a napkin to cover his coughs. The group that belonged to the mansion took a note of his reaction.

" I don't plan to peruse love since I don't understand the concept of the word.", Cielo divulged.

" Finally me. If you were given the opportunity to make a wish that is sure to come true what would it be?", Hana inquired.

" With my high intelligence that's the first question in my life that I don't know the answer to.", Cielo shook his head after thinking about it for more than two minutes.

" Please try. Anything that first comes to mind.", Hana encouraged.

Cielo thought for a while before answering, " I wish to have never been born into the family that I was born in. At the same time if this wish was fulfilled the course of history would change, surprisingly there are things in this bleak life of mine that I want to keep. I guest in some aspects I am not different from you humans."

At this point it was the adults turn. Tsuyoshi had conversed with Cielo and his son while preparing dinner so he didn't have anything additional to say so the next person to speak was Reborn.

" I might have mentioned your relationship with her to Aria the Sky Arcobaleno. She would like to meet you face to face when you have the time and feel up to it. She said to pass a message to you ' Thank you Cielo, I know you would have been a great son to her.' ", Reborn informed him. The her was Luce.

" Some things can't be avoided.", Cielo sighted.

" I have something very important to say, but I don't know if you would like me to disclose it in private instead.", Shamal tone was quiet serious.

Cielo knew he had discovered it, it didn't bother him, he simply gave his consent, " It doesn't matter."

" Then allow me state the facts. 1. You are sick. 2. You just recovered from a strange fever. 3. Your body temperature is slightly abnormal. 4. Your body is in a temporary weakened state. For 1, 2 and 4 I recommend sun flames and a good night's rest."

" For 3 I recommend clothes that sustains warmness. I am not a psychologist but I advice you that too much stress is not good for one's mental health.", Shamal disclosed. He was a true doctor, he only observed the patient and discovered so many clues.

The table became quiet as those from the Mansion look towards Cielo with looks of concern. Cielo didn't pay attention to the stares and only replied, " It's not a big deal. As you said there is nothing a good night's sleep can't cure."

He turned to those from the Mansion, " Bianchi and I will do the dishes. As for the rest of you take the guests to the theater and entertain them. You may all leave."

They followed his instructions and went to the theater in the mansion. Bianchi quickly changed and return to the kitchen to help. She refused his help telling him to get better soon. Hayato and Takeshi also returned and help Bianchi.

Seeing that everyone was busy he said good night and went up to his room.

Later after a movie Tsuyoshi and Shamal left separately. Reborn returned to the Sawada's residents with Ieyoshi and Ipin.

Those from the Mansion showed their remaining guests to the many guests rooms before retiring to their own.

Just like that a new year had started.

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