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Takeshi took Cielo back to the Mansion and laid him down in one of the empty guests rooms. Bianchi finished the dishes and was cleaning the kitchen. Once she dried her hands and went up the stairs eight pair of eyes looked at her inquisitively.

She entered and sat down on the coach in the room. She explained that she was looking for work six years ago when she was given a job to be a special helper. Her employer turned out to be a ten year old boy with white hair and blue eyes.

There was an old lady living with him and my task was to care for her every needs and keep her company while he went out to work. She knew he didn't lack money because her contract included several millions.

He was hardly ever home during the day but he cared so much for that old lady he always came back to have dinner with her. The old lady never asked where he went because she seem to know what he was up to. I could tell that she didn't want him to, but she never spoke a word to dissuade him until one day.

It was midnight and the old lady got a high fever which made her illness worse. He stayed up all night taking care of her and without resting he went off for his work. When he returned that day the old lady asked me to leave so she could speak with him privately.

She might have mentioned something to dissuade him. The only thing I knew was that after he left she was crying. I guess she had failed. After that her illness was getting worse, every day he would feed her sun flames until a year later she died.

I was sent away the evening before she passed away with millions of dollars that could support myself and my brother. The little boy knew I had a younger brother the same age as him so he prepared everything for our future.

What he didn't know was that the old lady had given me something to give to him before she died. I followed her instructions and after five years I kept my promise and delivered that thing.

Bianchi ended with, " I have no clue what was on that thing. I only know that the name of that boy was Cielo and the old Lady was Madam Luce, the former queen of the Giglo Nero Kingdom. How they came to meet, I also don't know."

" I am not even supposed to tell you this because it would break the confidentiality contract I sign when I left that year. At this point I don't think it matters. He needs saving from himself, and that is your task to save him. I wish you all the best of luck. Futta you don't have flames so you can't help. Come with me. ", Bianchi said as she left.

Futta glanced around the room then left reluctantly. On his way out he said to the room, " I hope Cielo gets better soon."

The door closed leaving Takeshi, Hayato, Mukuro, Chrome, Ryohei, Kyoya, Lambo, and Chrome who all had different thoughts circling around after what Bianchi told them.

A few hours passed like this until the sun started setting.

" You should all go to bed. Takeshi and I will watch Cielo and figure out something.", Hayato was the first to speak up breaking the silence.

Before they started protesting, Takeshi quickly interjected, " You were all up from midnight, go to bed, Cielo mention that we all have school tomorrow. The two of us will keep watch and skip school."

The others silently nod looked at the sleeping Cielo before leaving the room.

" They are gone now. Why don't we tell them the truth about who Cielo really is?", Takeshi asked curiously.

" Are you out of your mind?! Think what will happen if it was discovered that Cielo is Sawada Tsunayoshi the real heir of the Vongola Kingdom!", Hayato shot back.

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