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Ryohei, " I recalled the day of the Duel between Hayato and Leymitsu he interfered once again slapping Leymitsu in the face he said, " ' You think I got involved because I felt sympathy towards Hayato? Wrong!' "

" 'I don't believe in sympathy. I don't believe in mercy. I don't believe in pity. I don't believe in compassion. I don't believe in kindness. I don't believe in love. I don't believe in friendship. I don't believe in family."

" 'The only thing I believe in is the fact that all humans are demons. Some show their true colors and admit that they are a demon, like me. While some hide their demon beneath flowery words, fake actions, and a mask they always wear.' "

" The only reason why I intervened in this matter was because I loath your very existence.' "

Takeshi continued, " Then came my encounter with him. It was the last day of school before Christmas break. I wanted to jump off the roof because of my broken arm and something I overheard Leymitsu say. Cielo stopped me after we had an argument the next thing I knew I was in the Mansion and my father was also here."

Kyoya, " Two weeks before the Christmas break last year my parents and I were on very bad terms. One night I got a dream. Someone came to me without stating their identity telling me that he can grant my wish but I must pay."

" I wanted to get away from my family and he told me the price was for me to spend one year by his side. We agreed and he told me to go to school as usual. The first day of Christmas break he intruded in our Mansion while I was arguing with my parents."

" He used his rain flames to slow down their heartbeat and blood telling them not to make him angry. My father mentioned about getting his parents involved when he mentioned that he should permanently stop his own parents heart since they never treated him like their son."

" I realized he was the one who I made my wish to so I came to his Mansion for a year as payment. The first mission we took together was at an old shrine guarded by a special bloodline demon. They played chess and talked."

" That's where we learned that Demon Lord Phinaal was the Demon Lord of the ocean. At the end of the conversation Dinarious the watcher offended Cielo and got killed by him. We promised to never reveal their conversation."

" During last Christmas when we went together to watch the fireworks Sawada Nana and Hayato were in an argument about Cielo. Cielo threatened her family if she was ever to lay a finger on him. Sawada Nana called his mother a bitch which he didn't refuted. He also mentioned that the day she learned his real identity was the day she would die."

Hayato, " Cielo met Lambo while we were called to Madam Mirch's office to take the mission to capture Mukuro and the others. There he made a deal with Lal to keep Futta, Mukuro, and Chrome at his Mansion while offering Lambo to live with him. Lambo agreed and Lal agreed to the deal. We then took the mission."

" That day back at the Mansion he revealed our background to everyone, that's where we learned that he was sold to Estraneo. The same day he left on a mission telling us to expect one more person to join our group. Which we discovered to be Ryohei."

Ryohei, " And as I recounted the last time how I ended up at the Mansion was all because the matter between my sister and her mysterious benefactor. Upon arriving at the Mansion I put the clues together and guessed that it had something to do with Cielo."

" Then upon his return we trained on the Island and discovered that he had multiple flames. Next came the incident on the roof top valentine's day. The moment Leymitsu had mentioned Cielo's family he became angry and we all know the result of what happened next."

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