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That meeting happened over a week ago. It's three more days left for the Summer holidays to roll around. Cielo and his guardians took on their final mission for this semester. They flew off from Namimori and intended to return tomorrow the latest after completing the mission.

Their mission this time was to travel deep into a lost forest and close a portal that lead to the abyss. If this portal was left open then it would cause a rift between the human world, demon realms, and monster zones. It would connect all three to each other and all races will come in contact with each other again.

This was considered a unique S class quest. On this mission Cielo only brought along his guardians. He believes in order to save the world they need all the experience they could get

The Jet was left at the nearest point to the forest and Cielo teleported the rest of the way. They came upon a forest covered in darkness with old and withered trees. There was a huge canopy that blocked out the sky and sun and the entire forest was covered in mist.

Their smart phones had a map with the spot marked for the portal. On the map there were eight green dots moving, the green dots were them. All other moving life forms were red. There was also a communication function so the group can chat with each other despite having no signal.

Upon entering the forest they paired up not wanting to separate from each other.Mukuro and Chrome. Hayato and Lambo. Ryohei and Takeshi. Cielo and Kyoya. The pairs set off but because of the thick fog they were all separated in the end. But thanks to the communication function they could hear each other voice as they followed the map heading towards the portal.

Half an hour after walking without rest the group noticed the fog becoming thicker and they heard the faint sound of music. The music sounded far away but they could hear it clearly. It sounded so beautiful and enchanting. The guardians felt like falling asleep with the influence of the music.

They were all startled by a shout from Cielo in their minds, he had established a mind link to warn them, " That music is played by a Demon Lord. She is forcing you to sleep!"

" Demon lord! Such a bad timing.", The others exclaimed. Cielo told them, " It doesn't matter if you fall asleep, just don't fall for the dreams. Her name is Changé the demon lord of music. Her music attacks the soul, but you don't have to worry, my soul flames will protect you."

That was his reassurance as they all fell asleep, except for him. The music stopped. A voice like a whisper sounded next to his ear, even though the speaker was a mile away. She said, " I am surprised my music has no effect on you, but good luck waking them up. Oh, and I should tell you I didn't come alone. Good bye little boy."

Cielo knew she had left. Cielo sighted. The female Demon Lords were more dangerous than the others. Speaking of dangerous he needed to find the last one. The demon lord of dreams Gabriel. Changé came together so she could put the group to sleep so Gabriel could enter his target dream. Cielo knew who his target was, pity Gabriel himself didn't know who his target was this time.

Cielo gave off a meaningful smile as he grabbed the unconscious Kyoya and speeded towards the portal. He sealed it without any problems and teleported to each spot where the guardians were. He placed them in a pile and sat down and waited. After a few hours it was already night time.

The fog cleared away after the portal was sealed. There was a gentle breeze as the entire forest came alive and was lit by fireflies. Cielo made a fire and watched as the others slowly woke up one by one, except for Takeshi.

He knew they had conquered the fake dreams. His soul flames had protected their souls but it was their effort that allowed them to wake up. The others questioned why Takeshi hadn't wake up yet. He simply replied with a flick of his finger and Takeshi quietly floated over to him

To the utter shock of the others he held the back of Takeshi's head and gave him a gentle and loving kiss. He separated their lips and said sternly, " Get out this instance! Haven't you mess with him enough you fake messenger of love. He is such a pure and innocent human who loves someone even if that someone didn't feel the same way. So you lost the battle and he won."

As he spoke a white light came out of Takeshi's head and flew off with the speed of light. Cielo didn't bother giving chase. Takeshi woke up and was again kissed by Cielo who left him there standing frozen.

To the rest he said, " That was the Demon Lord of Dreams Gabriele. Let's go back to the jet and return tomorrow."

The guardians were dumbfounded.

They all thought, " So aren't we going to mention that kiss?!”

Fantasy Within KHR [ Book Two ]Where stories live. Discover now