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That evening the group went to dine at Yamamoto's Diner. A little reminder of those in the group, Cielo, Hayato, Takeshi, Kyoya, Mukuro, Chrome, Lambo, Ryohei, Futta, and Bianchi.

The Diner was occupied by many other customers, but their group was the largest by far since they shared the same table. The table was in a corner of the Diner next to a window looking outside at the streets.

The group was naturally a lively bunch, except for Cielo, so it came as no surprise that they were chatting away about some topic or the other. Cielo paid them no mine as he looked over the menu. Takeshi was the one that was going to serve them.

In the end they all placed their orders and a waitress helped Takeshi to bring over all their food. Takeshi joined them and dismissed the waitress. After they got their food they started digging in.

They left when it started getting dark out. Lights were now on as every household were having dinner together.

Cielo who was behind the group stopped to stare at a house in the distance saying, " This week is your week off. Do whatever you want to do this week, but you must be back in time for End of Summer gathering. Do I make myself clear?"

" Sure thing Cielo. No way we would miss our class party!", they were all excited at the mention of the words End of summer gathering. The event was hosted on the last day of summer by their class xx to celebrate the end of summer.

They received invitations before school had break for the holidays. Apart from everyone in class xx, the guardians of the kingdoms heirs not in their class were invited. Their homeroom teacher and a few members of staff would also be present.

" Ryohei you can go and see your sister, take Kyoya with you. Mukuro and Chrome you may go back to the orphanage. Bianchi you can take Futta and Lambo on a trip out of the country.

" Hayato, I have a ticket for two to a university Science fair you may take Takeshi with you. I have seen to all the arrangements and you can all leave in the morning if no one as any objections.", Cielo told them.

They were surprised that he had planned activities for all of them, so naturally they had no objections when he made plans.
" We are glad to go Cielo. Don't you want to go with any of us?", Hayato spoke up.

" No. I suggest you start packing from tonight. I—", before he had finished speaking the front door of the mansion he had been staring at in the distance opened and someone came out.

It was a blonde man dressed in a black and white suit carrying a suitcase. He was saying goodbye to those in the house as the door closed. Just as it closed a toddler came out of the house wearing a suit and fedora. This confirmed that the Mansion belong to the Sawada's.

The tall blonde man with the suitcase was Sawada Iemitsu, and he was accompanied by Sun Arcobaleno Reborn. The two were conversing as they walked towards Cielo's group not noticing Cielo and his group.

Just as they were about to pass each Reborn looked up and was about to greet Cielo and the others when he stopped short. That was because the blade of a sharp sword with snowy white hilt was pressed against Iemitsu's neck and the person holding the sword was Cielo himself. 

" Little boy I advice you not to play with a sword, after all it's not a toy.", Iemitsu smile trying to pass it off as a joke when he knew it wasn't. Cielo replied with a frosty stare, " You are the most vile human I have met so far."

" What could you mean by that child? You should really put away that sword now.", Iemitsu advices. " Don't play innocent with me. I am sure you recognized me, after all your master is what he is and I know he told others about me.", Cielo scoffed.

Iemitsu expression changed slightly he moment heard the word 'master'.

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