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" I will go first. I want to say that in our fist meeting our group had the wrong impression of you. I will take this time to apologize. If it wasn't for you risking your life all four of us would be dead. I can't thank you enough and is overjoyed when I got the news that you were still alive", Chikusu took the lead and spoke.

" Humans believe too much in first impressions. I am not one of you so it doesn't matter. Saving your lives was something unexpected that lead to something much greater.", Cielo responded.

" Yes, you are absolutely right. If we had died back then it pains me to think what would the outcome of the children we saved at the orphanage would be. You indirectly saved hundreds of lives, and that included the souls of those children that are resting.", Ken added quietly.

" Is that so? This soul of mine is tainted with sin until it became unsightly. Saving them you say...let's not deceive ourselves. I ended many lives and will continue ending lives until mine is ended. Who made me this way? Its this idiotic universe we are living in.", Cielo denied flatly as if it had nothing to do with him.

" How about the two children?", Cielo questioned turning his attention to Ieyoshi and Ipin.

" Like Yoshi I have never introduced myself to brother Cielo. Others at the Academy thinks you are very hard to like because of your personality, but I know big brother is the best and the kindest because you gave a home to my friends Lambo and Futta. Ipin wants to say thank you.", Ipin smiled a two hundred watt smile that reached her slanted eyes.

" They say children are the most honest. There is no need to thank me, I am not so kind as you think.", Cielo took a sip of juice turning his sights on the only Sawada around the table.

" Who would have thought that I would allow someone with the name Sawada inside my home? Interesting. Not only do I hate your parents, but also your brother. I am surprised you accepted the invitation to the enemy's mansion. Why did you come Sawada Ieyoshi knowing I want to end the lives of your entire family?", when Cielo asked the last question the atmosphere became edgy.

Ieyoshi seemed to have expected these questions and did not refute, he looked at Cielo and told the truth, " I love my family, but I always thinks it's strange that a complete stranger that appeared out of nowhere hates my family. I know my family might be displeasing at times, but they aren't all that bad."

" No they aren't all that bad they are the scourge at the very bottom of the well. The name Sawada covers so much dirty little secrets and conspiracies that would surprise a lot of people. From an early age I was thought that all sinners must pay for their sins.

I lived with my sins and was condemned. Yet your family gets to live their most fulfilling life and they have committed more sins than I have. Does this explain my hatred for your family? If not I don't know what else will.", Cielo snorted. His cold blue eyes making the other guests unconsciously shudder.

" I accepted the invitation because I am curious about you and want to get to know you better.", Ieyoshi said quietly. Cielo looked at the three girls and the atmosphere returned to normal.

" This is my first time meeting you. My brother has told me everything he knows about you which is not all that much. Too bad I can't ask anything about you.", Kyoko was enthusiastic at first before letting out a sight.

" Then I give you and your two friends permission to each ask me a question about myself. It must not be too personal.", Cielo relented for unknown reasons.

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