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Nakay told me about the pregnancy and stated she wanted to get an abortion at the same time, but the doctor advised against it because of her frail health. He was afraid that her body  cannot survive the surgery and the best way was to give birth, even if it was destined to be a premature birth because her body is not fit.

I secretly went to see Nakay at the hospital and spent some time with her. I asked her if she wanted to return with me. She said yes, so I took her to a safe house. She had a maid, a cook, and a caretaker, and me. I visited her everyday and the three workers I found for her were trustworthy because I checked their backgrounds and paid them well.

Nakay was five months pregnant when her stomach became obvious. I should have known that she would not stay safe from the evil couple. On this day I was an hour late to visit her, but upon arriving I was informed that she had snuck out to go to the near by town to have fun before I came.

Nakay was sometime naughty and mischievous when we were children and she would do things like this. Knowing her situation now I was worried and for good reasons, upon grabbing my computer and tracking her I discovered that she was kidnapped and brought back to the Sawada's mansion.

My entire body felt like it was submerged in a lake of  ice water. I knew my best friend was doomed, but I wont just stand by. I contacted the Vindice and gave them the heads up. Nakay was held captive for three months by Iemitsu and Nana. She was fed and clothed well but she was like a canary in a cage 

During this time I sent her a encrypted message everyday to tell her I was watching  over her, this was what kept her  going each day. I never told her what they had intend to do with the baby she was carrying. I am a best friend that kept secrets, but I always had to consider what impact it would have on her if I told her.

When Nakay was eight months pregnant Nana who was nine months pregnant went into labor. The couple still did not know that Nakay suffer from heart failure and mercilessly gave her a drug that induced early labor. As a result both twins were taken to the labor room.

The Vindicare were on stand by and so was Shiva and I. Shiva knew what Iemitsu had done, he appreciated his dedication to give up anything  for power. Shiva still intended to keep his promise. Iemitsu first born was his, as for  who the unlucky child no one yet knew.

It seem as if God still existed and will justify the innocent. At 1 am in the morning of the 15th day of October  a young child was born into the world. After opening his eyes he stared at his parents Nana and Iemitsu Sawada. He opened his eyes to let out his little voice, but what came out scared all those who were in the room.

The baby started choking on black blood. It poured out of his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. The baby's eyes that just opened to the world slowly closed as the Demon Lord Shiva devoured his life. He was just a small meal that was swallowed up by a demon.

" No my baby! Why? This was not supposed to happen!", Nana screamed hysterically.

Iemitsu pushed the doctors out of the room and raced down the hall to the other labor room. He did not understand why it failed.

At 1:01 am on the 15th day of October  a baby was born to this world. When his eyes open they were brilliant blue but in the next second they became caramel. His hear was brown and fluffy just like his mother. He open his little mouth and made small cute noises.

He was the lucky child.

Continuation of  reveal in next chapter...

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