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On top of the wall those from the Academy stood ready to continue defending. All eyes turned to the one responsible for the creation of this illusionary wall that instantly became reality.

They saw the blonde teen Mest standing alone atop the wall with a hand raised. Or it should have been a teen. Indigo flames engulfed him and when it subsided a tall slim man with blonde hair, wearing a pair of round glasses, a plain green kimono appeared with a cane in hand.

" HEADMASTER KAWAHIRA!", the students exclaimed shocked that their headmaster was also present the entire time.

He nodded once and his voice carried all the way across the waters so all heard it, " Demon Lord Phinaal of the Oceans, you are found guilty for the act of invading Human territory. What do you have to say for yourself?"

A deep chuckle erupted causing waves to collide in each other. Those who heard this laughter felt their skin crawl. A projection of the one laughing appeared in the Sky above the Army. It was the handsome Lord Phinaal sitting on his oyster shell throne.

" Cielo Kun I hope you enjoy my greeting gift!", Phinaal laughed boisterously as he glanced at the sleeping Cielo. The Sky above Cielo had a crack and something gigantic fell through falling to the earth at lightning speeds.

It was a Trident the same size as The Statue of Liberty. No one could escape it, it was a certain death. When it landed the earth shook and cracks expanded out as clouds of sand rose up.

When the sand settled and the air cleared other could only marvel at the sight in front of them. The Trident left a huge crater where its forks pierced the ground. A teen stood atop the butt of the Trident several meters above the ground.

With the wind blowing in his hair and his cold blue eyes piercing the soul of men he looked like the perfect Ice prince standing tall and straight in the face of death.

Cielo sneered, " You got my warning, yet you still decide to side with him. Do you Demon Lords thing I am a fat piece of pie that anyone of you can take a slice of?"

" Cielo Kun I finally got the chance to meet you yet instead of being happy you are angry at me. Be careful of that temper of yours.", Phinaal projection sighted.

Cielo indifferently replied, " I am my own person and what I do has nothing to do with you or him, nor any of the other Demon Lords for that matter."

" You know you can't run away from my old friend for too long. A little birdy told him where you would be that's why I knew where to find you today without much effort.", Phinaal didn't hide this fact from him.

" And why are you here on his orders?", Cielo questioned. The he/him they were referring to was Lord Shiva. Phinaal answered, " I want you to come with me. I am more hospitable than my old friend and will treat you better than he did."

" I am no fool. You joined him just to take a share of this pie. Dream on I am no one's puppet nor am I a plaything. The answer is No! I will not join you or him, or the others.", a cold light flashed in Cielo eyes resembling blue flames.

Cielo stretched forth his right hand showing his slender white fingers. A light blue circle came from the tip of his fingers and extended out like ripples on the surface of a lake. He then said the words, " Snow come forth!"

Something huge and white jumped out of another Dimension through the blue ripples. It flapped it's wings as it hovered at Cielo's side. Everyone could finally see what it was. It was a Lion!

But not just any Lion. It's body was pure white like snow same as it's shaggy mane. It had two large wings with white feathers that swept up a gust whenever they were flapped.

No matter how beautiful it was it looked like a docile pet as it looked lovingly at Cielo's cold blue eyes allowing Cielo to pet it. His name was Snow and he was Cielo's loyal familiar.

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