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When everyone was ready they prepared to leave for the venue but didn't get further than the Hotel's entrance before they were stopped by a blonde teen wearing glasses.

The teen looked ordinary just like any other passerby but the group following Cielo was immediately wary of him. As if not noticing his existence Cielo walked by without a word or glance.

Seeing Cielo's indifferent reaction towards him the blonde laughed as he caught up with Cielo, " Cielo can I tag along with your group? We are going the same place."

Cielo gave him a look over once before answering, " You can. I don't care about your Identity since we are not at the Academy and even if we were I still would not have cared."

" I am just looking out for the students attending the Academy.", the blonde smiled.

Cielo injected, " Don't get involve in my matters I am not one of your people. You are the overseer so I guess you wanted to make a move on the board for your side."

" You are so difficult to negotiate with. Based off your personality I guess you must have suffered a lot in life, no wonder why you are so indifferent to the world.", the blonde pointed out.

The air dropped to a few degrees as Cielo uttered, " I am warning you not cross that line."

" I am sorry I didn't mean to upset you.", the blonde admitted that he was wrong, " I just wanted to bring to your attention that not all humans are bad."

" You are not one so why bother?", Cielo retorted, " Humans are so loathsome and not meant to be saved."

" So what about them? They are Humans.", the blonde inquired looking behind at the others following Cielo whom were silently listening to the strange conversation between the two.

Cielo looked back as well, " They are an experiment to see if they are capable of saving their race, of they so desires it."

" We have been talking for a while why not call me by a name? I think Mest sounds good.", Mest suggested. Mest and the others conversed alone the way. He was fun to talk with, despite being wary of him since Cielo didn't treat him as an enemy.

They walked while they talked so they arrived at the venue. When they arrived others were already present and more were still arriving. The entire stretch of beach was organized and decorated for a grand event.

They were shoppings areas, food courts, game areas, recreational areas, relaxation areas, changing rooms, and bathrooms. There was also a check in area for attendees to sign their name monitored by the teacher in charge.

All the areas were monitored by Academy personnel or teachers. They were three lifeguard stations scattered across the beach and these too were monitored by Academy personnels.

Cielo headed towards the one furthest from everything else and climbed up without paying attention to the personnel's complaints.

Those from Cielo's Mansion scattered going wherever they fancied. Before they departed Cielo tasked Bianchi to keep an eye  on Lambo and Futta, and sent them off with these words, " You better keep in mind my words."

Mest also disappeared somewhere.

The last heir to arrive was the Vongola heir Sawada Leymitsu. It came as a surprise for a few when the incompetent Leymitsu gathered all his guardians over the summer.

It wasn't his doing but the work of his father who had influence and connections. One of these guardians, likely the most strongest one from the group, was Iemitsu's very own apprentice who he was training to inherit the mantle of the CEDEF leader.

While none of them had come in contact with any of the Academy's students, the other heirs possessed excellent information networks so they all knew everything there was to know about these new Vongola guardians.

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