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On the ground were nine cute little monsters that looked like they were in their baby version. They were the familiars Cielo had taken from the monster zone he went to at the end of summer.

There was a little white lion cub with wings, a baby dragon with scarlet scales, a baby blue kraken, a purple baby hydra with nine heads, twin baby Ouroboros snakes the female one had a lighter shade of indigo than the male one, a green baby thunder Quatzeltcoatl(feathered serpent with wings), a brown owl in it's original size, and a glass aquarium with a black widow spider queen.

" These are your familiars for training next year. They are also there to accompany you on missions. They are in their baby forms now, but they can grow up to their natural adult forms, all with the exception of the Owl, even the spider can extend it's size to that of a tarantula at that stage she can lay eggs that hatch in seconds.

" Now for their assigned owners. The snow winged Lion naturally belongs to me. The scarlet flame dragon belongs to Hayato. The Kraken belongs to Takeshi. The Hydra belongs to Kyoya. The make Ouroboros belongs to Mukuro, while the female belongs to Chrome. The thunder Quatzeltcoatl belongs to Lambo. The owl belongs to Futta, and the Black widow belongs to Bianchi.", Cielo informed them.

Before they could thank him he said, " Give them a name, while familiarizing with their abilities. I will give you this time to bond while I go out. A piece of advice, each person can communicate with their familiar in their minds, inform them not to destroy the Island. The Island now has sound insulation so nothing can be heard outside. I will pick you all up later, supplies are here."

With that Cielo teleported off the Island leaving the others to have bonding time with their familiars. Snow was left to play with the others since it's master had already spent time bonding with it before. The group quickly started familiarizing with their familiars.

Hayato named his Scarlet flame dragon Bao. Bao could grow to the size of an adult dragon. It scarlet flames tinted with gold were so hot it could burn an entire village or city to the ground. As for it's personality it was exactly like Hayato's so they got along with each other, Bao also got along with the others and the other familiars.

Takeshi named his blue Kraken Shu. Shu could grow up to the size of a small yacht and had no trouble using it's strength and tentacles to pull the said yacht underwater. It could also control water. It's personality was that of Takeshi's friendly and playful.

Kyoya named his nine headed Hydra Jiu. Jiu could grow all the way to the size of a two stories building. It's ability was the same as Kyoya, propagation. If one of its head was cut of it would be replaced by two. Each head could also spit out different offensive attacks such as water, fire, earth, wind. As for it's personality it acted quite arrogant and sometimes acted cute, in other words he was a tsunudere.

Mukuro named his male Ouroboros Wu Si, while Chrome name her female one Si Wu. They could grow to the size of giant Cobras, but when the male one swallowed the female one they merge and become the size of the legendary Midgard serpent. Wu si and Si Wu were twins and so they had the ability to combine when one swallowed the other.

Wu Si could spit poisonous fog that trapped it's foes in nightmares slowly poisoning both mind and body. Si Wu could spit out a pink miasma that trapped others in beautiful dreams while the miasma weakened both mind and body.

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