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Iemitsu rushed to open the door and came upon an empty room. No doctors, no nurses, no Nakay, and most importantly no baby. The room was empty and spotless with no trace that someone was there.

Iemitsu was suspicious but no matter how he dug and search he still could not find Nakay and the baby. Everyone in the hospital had no memories of the mother and child he was inquiring about. It was like they vanished into thin air.

In the end Nana's new born was sacrificed, he became the new apostle of Shiva. Nana was almost heartbroken by the news that Nakay and the baby might be safe but her child was the one to sacrifice. She hated her sister and the baby all the more, until her thinking became cruel and distorted.

She seem to have forgotten that she scheme against her own flesh and blood with the same appearance as her to have a child to sacrifice to a demon. When others are greedy and selfish they don't need excuses for their actions even if it is extreme.

As for where Nakay was at this time. Those from the Vindice swept her away the moment the child was born. They possessed extremely strong night flames and mist flames to whisk away people and shield the truth from others' eyes.

I was in a newly prepared room with Nakay and the baby who was cleaned and dressed in white. The little thing did not know what disaster he survived from, but he was so adorable and cute, an innocent life was brought into this world by the result of traitorous minds.

I asked Nakay " What will you name this little angel Nakay, he look just like you?"

Despite the bleak future ahead of the child back then, I could not help smile sadly as I had asked that question.

Nakay looked at me and also had a smile, " What do you think about Yoshi?"

" Like your dad, I think Tsuna fits his cute face. Yoshi sounds great.", I gave my opinion.

" Then let's name him Tsunayoshi.", both of us agreed.

So from then little Tsunayoshi, Nakay and I  lived in the safehouse under the protection of the Vindice. I watched as the little Tsuna grew up and became one year old. At the same time Nakay just had a few weeks left until her heart completely fails.

She was holding on until Tsuna was able to walk and talk. She was not counting on the fact that he will remember  her after he grew up , so that will not impact his growth.

On Tsuna's 1st birthday the three of us were holding a small dinner party. Little Tsuna had always like desserts and I don't know how but the cake we prepared fell off the table.

No one wanted baby Tsuna to cry, so I quickly coaxed him with a few chocolates and told him that aunt would get him another cake. I grab my purse told Nakay to wait for me I will be back in ten minutes. It was late evening.

When I came back with the cake, I opened the door and knew that something was terribly wrong. It was too quite. I walked into the living room and called out, " Nakay?" 

Upon seeing the scene in front of me the cake I was holding fell to the floor as I rushed to Nakay's unmoving figure in a pool of warm blood.

Nakay who was on her last breath opened her eyes and said, "  I knew my sister wanted to sacrifice my child . She told me when she took Tsuna away. I could not protect Tsuna, I hope someday he can get out of the clutches of his aunt and father. He will not remember me, I guess its for the best."

" Was Nana and Iemitsu here just now?", I asked. She nodded sullenly, " You are my best friend I will never regret making a friend like you. I wish you were really my sister, but I must ask you not to hurt Nana, after all she is my own flesh and blood."

That is the truth of that year I never  looked for the child after that, neither did I look for Nana, Iemitsu, or the Vindice as I silently laid my best friend to rest.

The video ended there.



(AN: I hope you like the plot twist!)

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