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O Kyoya's pov

I looked around at the wreckage remaining after our two on one match. Then I looked over at the one who had come up with this idea. He was sitting on a smooth rock without even a speck of dust on him or a ruffle in his clothes. One wouldn't think he was just apart of a duel just now.

He had put away his sword, flames, and aura. At the moment he was just like an overly handsome teen that gave off the air of aloofness; a cold noble or a royalty. We could not compare, we had several cuts on our uniforms and skin.

The one sitting down glanced over at us before holding up his hand which burst into yellow flames. The flames moved off his hand and passed over us. In the next moment all the cuts disappeared leaving no traces behind. That was three flames belonging to him I have counted thus far.

I came to the realization I haven't asked his name as yet, " Name?"

Just then another another voice interrupted the silence out of no where, " Cielo."

I looked in that direction with Mukuro and we saw another teen coming from behind some bushes. He was looking at the white hair teen and I understood.

" Cielo. Not a bad name. It fits you cause you are capable.", I stated. He looked at me strangely before turning to the teen that just appeared, " You have been following me for a while, what is it Sun Arcobaleno?"

It was as if I was struck by lighting when I heard the two words 'sun' and 'arcobaleno'. I could tell that the pineapple beside me was feeling the same based on his momentarily look of surprise.

" Cielo, why not just call me Reborn? On another matter, that marshmallow addict that brought us here is up to something. Yuni came back to Japan, and the two you brought with you seems to be doing well.", Reborn reported.

Cielo said flatly, " I know."

" We are leaving on Saturday, by doing so we can return at most two days after we left, that means you can all be on time to attend school.", Reborn informed him.

" Aren't you failing your duties coming all the way to another universe with me leaving your student unattended?", Cielo questioned seeming not to be interested in their conversation.

Reborn thought before eventually saying, " You despise my student so much, yet I can't help the feeling that you seem to care about him. Your actions of associating with the guardians of someone with the last name Sawada surprised me even more, proving the fact that you might actually not hate my student."

This conversation seem to have gone down another path, for some reason I don't think we outsiders shouldn't be listening, but that one called Reborn mentioned our Sky's name.

It also seems that something this Reborn said to the one called Cielo seemed to have caused something inside him to change. From the sudden drop in temperature and the frigid coldness that appeared in his eyes I could tell that this Ice Prince called Cielo who was always indifferent had become extremely pissed.

He stood up, " It seems that you have forgotten the fact that you are not suppose to mention him in my presence. I will never care about a treacherous human such as Sawada Leymitsu. Let this be the last time I ever hear that sentence out of your mouth, or else I will forget that you are one of Madam Luce's former people."

Then he turned and left. I should also mention that he just teleported.

' Hn. Cool ', I thought.

End of pov...

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