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He bit his thumb and dropped a few drops of blood on the rose staining most of the white petals red. He then used his soul flames to seal the stalk of rose in a small layer of ice that will forever keep it fresh and alive instead of withering away.

After placing the flower down the coldness in his eyes returned as he told the others waiting on the side, " I am done let's leave." He opened a portal, but instead of taking them back to the park he took them somewhere else.

When the Arcobalenos opened their eyes they were suspended in space on the moon. From here they could see Earth in it's orbit. They could see the Sun and other planets in the distance. Same for the stars above, and the other celestial bodies such as asteroids and many more.

Life could not survive in space, but it was possible to do so with Cielo's night flames since he could manipulate space.

" This is my thank you for inviting me to visit Madam Luce with you guys. From all the way up here you can see how vast the universe is isn't it? The great war took place in outer space in another dimension two thousand years ago.

" Humans aren't all bad, but when the time comes for the world to be destroyed I won't prevent it since that's your job. It is indeed beautiful so I advice you to find a way and save it when that time comes, consider it a warning in advance.", Cielo told them.

They thought about his words and understood what he meant.

" Just who are you?", Mammon spoke up.

" You could say I am the odd one who doesn't belong to any existing race.

" The Higher beings purpose is to protect the power of the universe( Tri-ni-sette) and maintain order in the Universe.

" Meanwhile my purpose is to maintain order between the races of the universe. I cannot take anyone's side. The name of my race is Soul Supreme.", Cielo didn't see the point in hiding the truth from them, besides it only a little part of the truth.

" Are there others like you?", Verde queried.

" No. There can only be one of us at a time in a few generations since our lifespan exceeds a thousand years. We do not reproduce our own kind and are born from two ordinary humans.", Cielo answered.

" What are the traits of your race?", Fon was the one who asked.

" A specific flame. A long lifespan. Lack of emotions that can only be unlocked with strong stimulus.", Cielo informed him.

" Oh.", they all said in unison.

" I have a question that doesn't pertain to this topic.", Reborn interrupted. Cielo looked over at him.

" Can you tell me about your relationship with Luce?", Reborn.

" Madam Luce is a very kind lady. She saved me and I became indebted to her. I lived in her mansion for three years, and one night Demon Apostles on the order of Lord Shiva invaded the mansion.

" All the lives in that Mansion were sacrificed because the demons were after me. Madam Luce insisted on protecting me to the very end, and then she was kissed by one of them.

" After killing them I took her away and tried prolonging her life while I hunted down demons. In the end she died after a year. The funny thing is that I had hoped she hated me for causing her death, but she proved me wrong by loving me and considering me as her son, something my real parents never did.", Cielo responded.

" So you were the one mentioned in the letter that Aria received?", Colonello. Cielo only nodded.

" Wait...you can't be...Kaito the demon hunter?!", Reborn was beyond surprised. Again Cielo nodded. He was no longer interested in their conversation since he knew what was coming.

" You have found me congratulations are in order. What do you want?", Cielo coldly snorted making the others almost jump.

" Hahahahah. You willingly came to space so it's natural that I would find you, after all I am Ota the demon Lord of Space.", a male voice came from the void.

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