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The memories continued. After new years everyone parted ways. Two days after Cielo met Byakuran and the others and played a game. Cielo was curious so he lost the game on purpose and Byakuran asked him to go to another parallel universe with him.

He invited Takeshi and Hayato then went with the others to that world. There he met the guardians parallel selves and conversed with them about himself and the ones living in his mansion. He also met his parallel self, that Sawada Tsunayoshi.

He went to places with his other self and then was invited back to parallel Tsuna's house. His attitude towards parallel Nana was one of repulsion, and when he was mistakenly sent to the past by parallel Lambo despite being furious he just silently left.

Together with the group that came they teleported back to their universe where he yet again confronted the demon lord trio. After he returned to the Mansion Bianchi handed over a memory card which he took to his room and inserted into his computer.

The guardians watched the confession video made by Nakay's friend. Nakay was Cielo's birth mother, while the person in the video was Cielo's god mother.

The group then understood all the turns and twist of the entire story. There were two twin girls and one was evil the other was good. The evil one was pregnant and her husband was a prince, together they betrayed their race and sword loyalty to the demons because of power.

The evil couple plotted against the twin sister because they didn't want to sacrifice their child. The sister became pregnant. The twins went into labor at the same time, but Nana's child was born one minute earlier and was sacrificed in the end, while Nakay's child Tsunayoshi lived and they both escaped.

On Tsuna's first birthday his godmother went to buy a cake and upon her return she discovered the dying Nakay who was killed by the couple and they took her son. The coue brainwashed the child into thinking that he was the cause of their child's death.

Nana then had a child by the name of Leymitsu. When Tsuna was four and Leymitsu was three they mad a promise which became Tsuna's anchor, his meaning for living. One year later Leymitsu broke the promise and 'killed' Tsuna. The couple then sold the 'body' to a lab that experimented on children.

Tsuna was stimulated having lost his anchor his personality and appearance changed. He became Cielo. After two years of experiments and killing children he was rescued from a tank of black fluid.

He spent three years in that mansion. Demons invaded and the others sacrificed themselves for him leaving him and Luce. He then spent a year with Luce and Bianchi while hunting down demons as Kaito. The year ended and Luce died.

Cielo went to face off against Shiva the Demon Lord of Fire and was captured. He spent four long years being tormented and tortured by that said demon Lord. He escaped and started attending the academy.

Having seen that his brother who 'killed' him forgot him he started having thoughts about killing his brother. He then met all the guardians and brought them together for two reasons. One, save the world if they chose to, and two, they were the descendants of the founders of the Vongola Kingdom. He did not want them to fall into his brother's hands.

He faced off against against an additional three demon lords during this time, bringing the count of how many demon lords he encountered up to four. Fire, Ocean, Necromancy, and Space.

He went to a parallel universe and upon returning he finally discovered the conspiracy behind his birth. His brother was also his cousin and his aunt and father murdered his birth mother. Finally being stimulated once again he was trapped by his painful memories.

Upon leaving that final memory of Takeshi forcing Cielo to sleep the corridor of memories disappeared. The group was now in front of two huge doors with a blue magic circle on it. As if sensing their presence it slowly swung open.

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