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The group entered. Inside was a large spacious hall with rainbow bubbles floating up. There were glowing golden butterflies flying around. The air was so beautiful and magical. In the middle of the hall was seven chairs in a straight line that resembled thrones with their backs facing the door.

At the far end was a chaise that was turned facing the seven thrones. There was a sleeping person on this chaise. He was none other than Cielo who they were looking for. He seemed to be deeply asleep since he didn't wake up after their entrance. They slowly approached.

Cielo then stirred in his sleep. He got up and slowly opened his eyes. They immediately noticed a change. His former frosty blue eyes were no longer cold. They had more of a warm touch, more life, and a little sparkle.

He spotted them and said, " Welcome. You may sit." He wasn't cold either, just slightly less indifferent. The group was glad to see this for some reason as they say themselves down facing him.

He gave them a gentle smile which was genuine and only they will get this reaction from him, " I must first say thank you for freeing me from here. Secondly, thank you for willingly competing the trials. Thirdly, congratulations for becoming my official guardians."

He continued, " As Cielo I hereby declare that from this day forth, you are my guardians and I am your Sky. I trust all of you, so with this bond I will keep you protected. If you choose to save the world I will help you with all the abilities at my disposal. I only ask for one thing, your promise not to beak this bond. You can also chose not to make this promise."

The others looked at each other in tacit understanding. They knew why Cielo asked for this promise, he wanted to create another anchor. Without hesitation they all said, " We promise! Thank you Cielo for being our Sky and we will always be loyal."

Cielo laid back relax, " Then that his good. Is there any questions you wish to ask after seeing my memories?"

Takeshi asked the question that was on their mind, " We noticed that you seem to be slightly different, how do you feel at this moment?"

Cielo thought for a while before answering, " This feeling is quite strange but feels really good. I can only feel it in your presence after we leave. I feel like I am on a soft fluffy cloud it's so peaceful and warm. I only felt like this when Tsuna once had a brother."

The others hide their snicker as Takeshi told him, " That means you are happy Cielo."

" We should leave now. I know you brought two intruders into the mansion. The reason why I created that rule was because the protections around the mansion will attack all intruders including demon lords. I now dismiss all the rules of the mansion but this one remains."

The others agreed. Hayato then inform him who the intruders were, " They are Shamal and Reborn."

" I will take care of it let's go.", Cielo waved and they all disappeared. In the room back at the Mansion Cielo was the first to wake up. He didn't look at the intruders just yet, instead he took the others to their rooms and left them there. On each of their fingers appeared the ring that represented that they were now guardians.

He then descended the stairs with Shamal, Reborn, Bianchi, and Futta. They sat down in the living room. He addressed the two, " Thank you for coming. Please stay for dinner."

The two agreed. They all sat down for an hour chit chatting. Cielo went upstairs, showered and came back down stairs to help with dinner. Dinner was prepared by Cielo, Bianchi, and Tsuyoshi whom Cielo invited.

The table was set and it was late evening. There were footsteps on the stairs as the others finally woke up and joined them. They all enjoyed a meal together and saw the guest out. Those in the mansion went out for a night walk. Just like that the one who was lost and those who didn't belong finally were together after a long journey, but the journey wasn't over yet.

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