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Cielo went to the front desk and payed before he was given a room number behind the huge door. When he approached the door it opened and he entered. Behind this door were small music rooms that people came to practice playing a instrument. They could even hire a tutor and payed for a lesson.

There were around five small rooms here and not many people come here, most times only one person would come here at a time. Cielo passed by the room that piano music was coming from before reaching the one assigned to him, upon walking by he spotted a head of silver hair. The owner was focused on playing his piece and didn't notice anything.

O Hayato's pov

Today I came here like I always do to practice another new song on the piano. After spending time with Judaime today I happened to be in the mood to come by, since I haven't been here since the holiday started. The first half an hour I perfected the song I was playing, but then I heard music that was otherworldly floating into my ear.

' That's quite odd', I thought to myself. No one ever came here while I was here, because I specifically picked the times when I knew no one would come by. I didn't think much more, instead I stayed silent and listened to that otherworldly music that kept getting more beautiful and bewitching at the moment.

While listening to the music I seem to see plenty of strange images in my mind. The one that kept repeating was a person that always stood out from the crowd, no crowd is not the right word here, it's more like standing apart from the rest of the world, neither belonging nor binded to the world. Out of place to be exact.

It took me a while to notice that I was becoming enthralled by the music, so I stood up and went in search of it. I didn't expect what I would find was a sleeping white hair teen that seemed like an angel while dancing blue flames played the piano as if lulling him to sleep.

The teen's skin was milky white and fair, his face handsome yet bewitching, the aura around him freezing to the point it screamed danger! His white hair rested behind his back as he slept peacefully while sitting with his head on his folded arms next to the keyboard.

The blue flames lit up his face as they played the song originating from his soul. This picture was like an oil painting of a fairy. I absolutely love otherworldly creatures since I do lots of research on them as a hobby whenever I am free. This teen obviously wasn't an alien but I knew he wasn't human either, no human could be so...

Yet another strange thing, I felt strangely familiar to this person who I obviously have never met before.

Flames? He must belong to the Mafia, but those flames are unique. They are a different shade of blue than rain flames, maybe he was born with a unique flame only fit for such a being. He was soundly asleep from his steady breathing, however I could tell that he was the one playing the piano while he slept, such an amazing feat!

I stared some more in silence because this scene wasn't seen everyday, until the person in question stirred awake. Those eyes slowly opened and then I suddenly sucked in a cold breath. His eyes! His eyes were so dreadfully cold, colder than an iceberg and harsher than any winter.

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