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" Cielo what's wrong?", Takeshi was the first to approach him. Cielo looked at him blankly. There were tears in his eyes falling, but there was no expression at all. There was no emotions on display to tell that he was sad, but Takeshi was close enough to feel the fluctuations   of his flames.

The ground was already beginning to be covered by a layer of frost, including the tree he was leaning on. The others stopped approaching.

Cielo shook his head, " Not really. Its just I discovered I have the desire to burn that Mansion to the ground with everyone in it. Its really not like me, but again who am I? I always asked myself this, at this point when I found the answer it was best if I didn't. Now I can't control the urge to destroy."

" Is there someone in that Mansion that did something bad to you?", Takeshi knew that this question went against the rule Cielo had set not to ask him personal questions.

At the same time he was reminded what his father had told him the first Christmas he spent at the Mansion. His father once told him that there will be a day that Cielo will need to be saved from himself. His task was to help Cielo, he knew today was that day.

" That family makes me absolutely disgusted, I loath the fact that I share the same flesh and blood as them. There is really an easy way to feel better, simply end their bloodline.", Cielo seemed to have muttered the answer to himself, but everyone present had excellent hearing and heard it.

The group was beyond surprised. This was definitely the greatest shock they have received in their lives! It seem today was a day unexpected bombs would drop from the sky. Cielo who hated the Sawadas was related to them!

Then they realized somethin was wrong. There is something definitely wrong with Cielo's state of mind. There was no way in hell or heaven he would have admitted something like that. This wasn't Cielo usual style.

This person will never shed a tear about anything. He was always calm, cold, and indifferent. He only ever got angry at those with the last name Sawada, but he also was able to control his murderous intent. Now he was not even concealing his thoughts.

The answer was simply, Cielo's awareness was non existence. It would be dangerous if he was left like this with how his flames were fluctuating. Takeshi didn't need to be told what to do. In the blink of an eye he was hugging Cielo tightly in his arms infusing strong rain flames into Cielo.

Cielo who was being overwhelmed by rain flames and those turbulent memories of his subconsciously fought against the drowsiness because he didn't want to get trap in the unending nightmare like last time.

" Cielo, I am sorry to do this against your will, but I don't know any other way to stop you. Sleep.", Takeshi said softly.

Cielo finally fell into a deep sleep, but not before he manage to squeeze out, " I don't want to be trap there. Please get me out. Please get me out."

Takeshi lifted Cielo and placed him on his back. He turned to the others who had strange expressions on.

" What happened to Cielo just now, Takeshi?",  Futta and Lambo the two youngest were the first to ask.

Takeshi shook his head, " I don't know. We came back from our trip to another parallel universe and nothing was wrong then. Against his confrontation with the Demon Lords he was fine then. I only know after he got something from Bianchi and went upstairs he became like this."

" My guess was that whatever my sister gave him made him discover something he himself wasn't aware of.", Hayato told the other.

He and Takeshi exchanged a knowing glance but did not tell the others what they had discovered in the parallel universe. Based on what Cielo just said about being related to the Sawadas their guess was proven to be on the path of the truth.

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