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Phinaal didn't bat an eye as all his army perished, but he was startled on the inside. He looked over at Cielo still standing on the Trident but could not see anything out of place with him.

Phinaal then thought to himself, ' Could it be that his powers are now slowly awakening. If then I can take him back to my domain and make an excuse to Shiva my old friend so the boy can stay there."

Just as he was about to put his plan in play he was interrupted by Kawahira's warning, " Demon Lord of the Sea I must ask you to leave if you do not want this matter to blow out of proportion. The Vindicare (Vindice) or on their way here." 

" You Higher being do you have some alliance with Cielo Kun? If not why does it seem that you are talking his side?", Phinaal asked darkly his expression becoming sinister.

" Lord Phinaal I have no connections with this so call Higher being or any of the humans here for that matter. I feel disgusted you would associate me with them. Besides I despise Humans and Demons alike, so I think it's time you pack up and go back from whence you came. The show is over.", Cielo snorted.

" Is that so? I will take you at your words for now. See you again Cielo Kun. I must say I was impressed. Bye bye Cielo Kun.", Lord Phinaal laughter rang out as his projection disappeared along with his Trident, and the corpses of his army.

Cielo commanded Snow who was now at his side, " I will reward you later, you may go back now." Snow wagged his tail as he showed it's cute pink tongue. He seemed please with itself as he disappeared. 

Cielo ignored all the eyes that were on him as he walked away. Without glancing back he left the following words, " Humans are weak and fragile despite all their nasty ways that's to be expected.

You think without absolute power your Kingdoms which you are so proud of can withstand the invasion of all the Demon Lords combined? The answer is a obvious no!

Humans and Demons make me sick so they are naturally my enemies. I despise all races in this world so that makes us enemies. It's better we draw a line between us this early in the game because you are all unworthy for me to pick a side."

With that said he opened a portal and disappeared from the beach leaving those present to ponder over his parting words. Not long after everyone left the beach as the staff cleaned and repaired the beach before midnight.

By 8pm everyone that attended the event returned to their respective hotels. This included those from Cielo's Mansion. They had all showered and changed. They then gather at the dining hall for dinner with Cielo.

The first part of dinner was silent as everyone mulled over the eventful day. The silence was broken by Lambo who decided to ask Cielo a question, " Cielo do you always hate humans?"
The others kept quiet since they wanted to hear his answer.

" Not always. It's just that the human race doesn't appreciate life most of the times.", Cielo answered after a while. Lambo was confused by his reply, " You mean us humans doesn't appreciate you?"

" You could say that. Or you could say that I am destined to never belong to any race, so it is no surprise that humans will overlook my existence.", Cielo responded.

" But that doesn't go for everyone. Right guys?", Lambo questioned the others around the table. They all nodded. Lambo seemed happy that they all agreed with him, " See Cielo we do know how to appreciate your existence."

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