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Shamal coughed and became serious as he gave his insight, " The reason why he won't wake up is because he is trapped inside his own mind. He can't find a way out because he is being bombarded by too much memories.

" I guess those memories are his worst ones so its like living in a nightmare. In other words he is lost and can't find his way out."

He continued, " That layer of ice is actually a unique flame. I guess it belongs to his race. The reason for the crack was likely due to too much stimulation. His race isn't the type with a wide range of emotions and for them to feel it they must be stimulated."

" So can you do anything to help him?", Chrome became a little anxious at the news. The others too were not taking it lightly either.

Shamal answered, " I can't but you can. I remember he said at New years dinner that he had sky flames. You are all guardians he protects and you have strong flames compatible that can harmonize with his sky flames. You need him to recognize you as his elements, show him that you are all worthy to be his guardians."

" How do we do that?", Kyoya asked for all of them.

" Doesn't Mukuro and Chrome have the strongest mist flames around?", Shamal asked, this time looking at them like they were the idiots.

" You!", Kyoya looked like he wanted to beat him up.

" Skylark, forget the pervert of a doctor. He is hinting for us to take you to Cielo's mind so we can get him out.", Mukuro rolled his eyes.

" There is a possibility that he will treat you as intruders. You will have to find him inside his mind that can be as huge as an entire world, it will take time which you or him doesn't have.", Reborn reminded them.

" In curing patients by their consciousness you will have to find their corridor of memories. If you follow the timeline in their memories you can locate them. Their corridor of memories are located in the securest of places. So to find Cielo's just look for the most guarded place in his mind.", Shamal explained in detail. 

" Lets start right away then.", Ryohei pumped his fist. They all scattered to get chairs for themselves and form a circle around the bed. They all clasped hands. Cielo's hands were held by Hayato on his right and Takeshi on his left. They closed their eyes and pretty soon the room was covered in mist flames.

Reborn, Bianchi, Futta, and Shamal who was not a part of it simply sat on the coach and watched.

Meanwhile with the seven that were taken into Cielo's mind they found themselves in the middle of a blizzard. It was a wilderness and they were almost blown away by the sharp wind. Snow went into their eyes and they almost lost each other.

Mukuro had no other choice but to shout, " We are not enemies! We just wanted to find someone!" 

Miraculously the blizzard stopped as if an unknown force had commanded it to stop.

" How did you do that?", Lambo asked in awe.

" My brother didn't do much. He just simply told the owner that we didn't come with the intention to harm.", Chrome explained kindly. She was hugging Kyoya's arm since he was kind enough to block the wind for her. Kyoya didn't seem to mind.

" Then that means Cielo can hear us, right?", Takeshi questioned.

" He subconsciously responded. So his subconscious will interfere with us and sometimes direct us based on our intentions and actions.", Mukuro explained for his sister. He raised an eyebrow and asked the rain, " Is it me, or do you feel guilty for some reason?"

" When I used my flames Cielo had told me that he didn't want  to be trap here. He wanted me to get him out. I didn't know he meant trap like this.", Takeshi admitted.

" We should thank you because you created a chance for him to be saved, while we prove to him that we can be his guardians.", Mukuro surprisingly put in a good word on his behalf.

The rain chuckled sheepishly.

In the distance they spotted a castle.

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