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" It would not matter to me. The two things I regret in life was loving a human, and being loved by another human. One is six feet under while the other...let's just say they opened my eyes and showed me the cruelty of humans.", Cielo placed his knife and fork down as he excused himself from the table.

" That's sad. Poor Cielo, I never thought he would have a crush on someone.", Lambo said absentmindedly while the others watched Cielo leave with strange expressions. Those who wanted to unravel the Mystery of who Cielo was could find clues from his words and actions today.

Back in his room Cielo stood in front of the long standing mirror, he questioned his reflection, " What is my name? Cielo because Sawada Tsunayoshi no longer exists."

Cielo felt a little tired so he decided to sleep and not go to work as Ciel tonight. Cielo no longer had nightmares because he decided that Tsunayoshi the one the nightmares haunted no longer existed. He was Cielo with Tsunayoshi memories.

( Don't get confused by this paragraph👆. It only means he kept repeating that Tsunayoshi no longer existed so he doesn't get the nightmares and it actually works. Call it self hypnosis )

The next morning was Sunday. It was time to depart from Italy since tomorrow morning was the beginning of school. Everyone got dressed and went to the entrance of the hotel where their Limo and driver was waiting for them. Cielo and the others boarded the ride and were driven to the airport.

They all arrived back in Japan a few hours later. This went for all those that attended the End of Summer gathering in Italy. Monday morning dawned bright and early with a light shower of rain. Everyone heading to the Academy took out their Umbrellas as they made it to school.

Cielo went with his group. Since he attended the End of summer gathering his hair was done in the same style, the front caught up in one with the silver hairpin with sparkling blue gems, showing his cold blue eyes. This cause others to walk around their group.

The others from the Mansion quietly snickered that only his appearance could scare people away forgetting they too were like that once upon a time. It wasn't even a year since they had started living with him, but they unknowingly started seeing him like any normal person.

The entire population of the Academy gathered in the assembly hall to officially open the doors of the Academy for another year of learning and fun activities. The bell rang and they all went to home room.

At the Namimori Academy of flames once you were assigned to a class you remain in that class until you graduate with the same home room teacher. Each term new students were sorted into classes by age.

Explanation: Age 12 to 14 is in one class. Age 15 in one class. Age 16 in one class. Age 17 in one class. Age 18 in the graduation class.

The reason for this is because of students birthdays come while they are in the same class. For example, those in Cielo class were all placed their when they were 15 and by the end of this year they would all be 16 so they would normally be the class of age 16, thus they retained their homeroom teacher, and class name.

(Age 5 to 11 is the junior section of the Academy so it operates as a middle school so the rule doesn't apply to them.)

The year wasn't done yet so naturally 15 year olds were added to this class, that included Sawada Leymitsu's new guardians that were age 15. Let's not forget that he too was going to turn 15. By some freak accident he shares the same birthday as Cielo.

(Note: In future chapters gonna reveal why it's a freak accident)

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