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They approached the castle, and as they went up the steps and stood before the two large diamond doors they swung open inviting them in. They walked into an open hall with six tunnels. Above each tunnel was a glowing flame of the different elements, sky was not included.

" We should obviously split up. Chrome and I can sustain the mind link so we won't be pulled out of Cielo's mind. As for communicating using our minds it might be blocked.", Mukuro told the others before he and Chrome went through the tunnel with mist flames.

Hayato took storm, Ryohei sun, Kyoya cloud, Lambo lightning, and Takeshi took rain. They bid each other good luck before departing. Upon passing through the tunnel all senses were cut off, when they regain their senses they were all standing at different locations.

{Guardian trials; Sun, Rain, Mist, Cloud, Lightning, then Storm.}

Ryohei found himself in a dessert with yellow sand and a sweltering sun in the clear blue sky with no clouds in sight. There was also no greenery or no buildings in sight, not even an ant could be seen.

Ryohei saw a bottle of water next to a note. This was what the note said;

If you have the endurance to endure to the extreme, then you will be worthy. What lies at the end of the road is the key to become  an element of the sky you seek.

" Is this a test from Cielo?", Ryohei asked himself. What answered him was a little boy that appeared out of no where. The little boy looked cute and adorable. He had a mop of brown fluffy hair with big cute caramel eyes.

This was Tsuna when he was five.  This was just a phantom image though because it could disappear, reappear, float and walk through solid objects.

What Ryohei and the others didn't know was that each of these phantom Tsuna was a wisp of Cielo's consciousness placed there to observe these trials.

Little Tsuna greeted Ryohei, " Hello. I am Tsuna your guide. I only provide company not assistance. So you can say I am pretty useless to you!"

Ryohei had to control his impulse to laugh, " Ok. I am Ryohei. Nice to meet you to the extreme Tsuna."

They shook hands and Ryohei asked, " Tsuna, do you know Cielo?"
Tsuna looked at him strangely before replying, " Yes." Ryohei became eager, " Then can you tell me more about him while we are on the way?"

Tsuna's expression became stranger, " I can't. I don't have that knowledge. I only know who he is." He was telling the truth. He was a wisp of consciousness from the real Cielo but he didn't have any knowledge.

Ryohei wasn't disappointed. He started walking in one direction towards the sun. He only had a bottle of water, a note, and a guide. He chatted with Tsuna on the way.

It seemed to him that he had been walking for days. It seemed like he wasn't going anywhere. The bottle of water only had a few mouthfuls left and he only drank a mouthful every two hour.

Ryohei was a sun flame user who exercises almost everyday so he had the stamina and endurance to take on extreme tasks. He didn't give up and kept going. He had a goal.

When he was on his last drop of water  the bottle disappeared. The sun still hasn't gone down for many hours. When he was on his last leg he stopped to rest in the hot blistering sand.

Tsuna saw all this and asked him, " It's seems this is the end. Do you want to stop here?" Ryohei immediately refused, " No. I am here for Cielo and I am not leaving without him. My element is the Sun and I want to be his Sun guardian."

Tsuna applauded, " Well done you have passed the test of endurance."
A glowing light appeared in front of him which he passed to Ryohei. When the light faded a ring landed in his palm. It was a silver ring with a magic circled carved into it. There was also a small yellow crystal in the center of the circle. The magic circle was the unique symbol of Ryohei.

At this time an announcement echoed in Cielo's mind addressing all the intruders, " Congratulations to Sasagawa Ryohei who cleared the test of endurance, and is rewarded the title of Sun guardian."

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