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Shoichi stared blankly for a moment before asking confused, " Do you have any last name?"

" Instead of asking me that, I will ask you a question instead. I assume you all have moved to the Sawada's Mansion and have lived with Sawada Leymitsu over the summer. Be honest and state your personal opinion of him.", Cielo countered.

Not suspecting anything from a fellow classmate Shoichi though for a while before answering, " Leymitsu is a little immature since his parents spoilt him. That explains his current attitude and behavior. If his parents influence was removed I think he would be just like his brother Ieyoshi."

Hearing this Cielo secretly though, ' There is no changing that traitorous little brother of mine, unless he dies by my hands and feel the suffering I have endured because of his betrayal '. Having though of this he subconsciously massaged where his heart was as he felt the familiar ache.

Cielo laughed coldly as he remarked, " Sawada Leymitsu's day of retribution draweth nigh." His words caused the others to feel a chill down their spine. He got up and left the Library without looking back, knowing that Bianchi would place his books back on their correct shelves.

Shoichi was at a lost and was about to inquire when he was informed about Cielo's personality. He appeared cold and indifferent, he didn't socialize except with the others that were in his Mansion.

During their conversation the other two told him since his first day at the Academy that Cielo had a strong dislike for Leymitsu for no apparent reason. Before he was transfer to the Academy he had live in Italy and had no contact with Leymitsu prior to their duel.

So they guess that Leymitsu had unknowingly offended Cielo due to his bad attitude and behavior during their duel. That was the only plausible explanation the Academy at came up with for Cielo's dislike of Leymitsu.

The bell rang an hour later and they made their way back to class after having their lunch. When the three were speaking about Cielo Yuni had kept a very important fact to herself. Before Cielo left she had picked up his current emotions he felt in the moment with her special ability.

The emotions she picked up almost suffocated her. She sensed endless pain from him and genuine hatred. She was curious and puzzled that the indifferent Ice prince Cielo could feel something like that.

When school ended Cielo received a mysterious note telling him to report to the headmaster's office. He knew who it was from. Telling the others he needed to go the office he told them to leave without him. The others obliged.

Cielo went straight to the Headmaster's office passing Madam Mirch's office. After greeting her Lal told him that Kawahira was waiting for him. He knocked the door and after hearing a gentle, " Come in." he entered.

" Good day Headmaster.", Cielo greeted calmly. Kawahira smiled up at him, " You may sit. Here have some cookies. What beverage would you like with them?"

" Tea.", Cielo accepted. Instead of giving him tea Kawahira served him hot chocolate and placed a saucer with marshmallows next to the cup and plate of cookies. Taking a sip of the beverage and one of the cookies Cielo commented, " Thank you."

" No problem.", Kawahira waited for him to finish his treat before saying anything. He observed everything about Cielo as he ate half of the cookies, drank half of the hot chocolate that only contained half of the given marshmallows.

Cielo took a napkin and cleaned his hand and mouth of any remaining crumbs and sugars before he sat their silently gazing at Kawahira.

" Overseer to what do I owe the pleasure of this sudden meeting.", Cielo questioned.

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