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" Before we burnt down Estraneo I saw your file. It only had your experiment number, your flames and your birthday. I just recalled it. I am sorry for invading your privacy.", Mukuro admitted.

" It's not your fault. I despise the day I was born. Everything bad originated from this day. It's not a lie if I say I was cursed. After all the last time someone wished me a happy birthday they were all murdered by Demons and that Mansion went up in flames.

" So it's not a happy day for me. It's like another year of endless pain and torment. A loop that always repeat. And what makes it worse is that I share the same birthday as him.", Cielo explained this startled the others.

" You may all go now and pretend this conversation never happened. I guess I was just being sentimental for a moment, I am not normally like this. Good night everyone.", He further wished them goodnight.

" If you say so Cielo.", They replied in unison and retired to their own room. The next day was Saturday. Today Cielo was down at breakfast and nothing about him was different. He was the usual cold and indifferent Cielo they always knew.

It was just like he said the night before, he just felt a little sentimental last night and nothing else. Cielo cleared his throat, " These weekends you can use the training rooms. We will resume training on the island starting January, so don't slack off."

Some weeks later, the last day before Christmas break, everyone in the Academy was finishing up their Christmas break exams. When the last exam was done everyone scattered as the bell rang to signal the end of school.

Some people made plans to go out and celebrate. As for Cielo's group Bianchi had prepared a picnic for them inside the Mansion's secret garden that was normally tended by Cielo himself. He only allowed them access just one week prior to this.

The Garden was inside a greenhouse and was quite spacious. The table was set with a picnic cloth and the many dishes prepared by Bianchi. After heaping many compliments and praises on Bianchi they started the meal.

During the meal Cielo turned to Kyoya and said, " Tomorrow marks the end of the year we agreed on. I fulfilled your promise and you stayed at my side for a year. Both sides kept their word, so if you want to leave tomorrow you may. After all you have been separated from your family for a year now."

" I don't wish to go back just yet, if that's ok with you.", Kyoya replied honestly. Cielo, " Whatever you wish I will fulfill it if it's within my powers."

" If I wish for you to become my sky what price do I have to pay?", Kyoya pondered. This question made the others more attentive. Cielo looked him over once before divulging, " I am afraid you can't begin to imagine the price. You are all still too weak to face the dangers of becoming my guardians."

This confirmed that Cielo was a Sky flame user. At that moment they all secretly swore, except for Bianchi and Futta, to become stronger so they can meet the requirements to become his guardians.

.................... Somewhere in the abyss.................

" What are the Children up to Lucifer." , A magnetic voice filled with power and authority queried. There was an answer immediately, " Your Excellency, the Children seem to be preparing for their selection to become your heirs. Shiva is making plans, it seems he had discovered a child of mysterious race."

" Is that so? There is still another five years before anyone of them think they can ascend my throne. This throne has been mine for two thousand years and it will be for another thousand years. Heed my order, let them play until they eliminate each other!"

" Yes your Excellency. All hail the king of the Netherworld!"

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