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After being slapped Cielo was still indifferent as he stared at her with those cold blue eyes. Zia snorted disdainfully, " Next time don't forget your place. You believed because you escaped from Shiva you are something special?!"

She flew into the sky and disappeared without a trace. While Cielo just placed a hand to his face that was hit. An evil grin appeared as his eyes lit up with nine different colours. Laughter rang out making the soul of the three spying on him almost fly away.

" Hahahahah. It's just too fun making a fool out of these Demon Lords. Hahaha....this feeling is absolutely wonderful. I can swallow them all up in one go. Who do they take me for? They seem to forget I am not a weak human...hahaha.", Cielo's voice was sinister and cruel to the extreme as he disappeared.

Besides the Demonic entity that was spying on him, the other two were from the Mansion. They were none other than Mukuro and Kyoya. When they came out of hiding their eyes lock onto each other. They managed to cover up the surprise of being spotted by each other, not to mention that scary side of Cielo!

That night they all returned to the mansion at midnight. When Futta, Lambo, Bianchi, and Cielo went to bed the two spies called the others for a meeting in one of the many sound proof rooms of the Mansion.

Those who were at the Meeting were Mukuro, Kyoya, Chrome, Hayato, Takeshi, and Ryohei. These six were the ones gathering information on Cielo to try and figure out who he was.

Ryohei who didn't have anything of worthwhile information asked the others who were pouring over some folders, " What did we manage to gather so far?"

Mukuro and Chrome, " Upon arriving at Estraneo with a pair of twins ten years ago we came across a white hair boy with Cielo's appearance and personality. At that time he was known as subject number twenty seven. We believed he was there from one year prior. "

" He was tasked to kill children who were at deaths door. He didn't seem to have a problem with the task having done it countless times before. Half year later we four were in the same situation. Instead of killing us like he was ordered he saved us."

" We were informed by the scientist in charge that he was killed for disobeying orders. Believing him we destroyed the base half year later and never saw him again until we were reunited recently."

Hayato, " Five years ago while living in Italy my sister came home after being gone for a year on a job. She never mentioned what the job was but she was payed a huge sum in millions. The day she returned she indirectly told me of a boy with Cielo's appearance and personality. I met Cielo the same day we were registering for the Academy."

Takeshi, " That day when he came to our class he warned everyone to stay away from him, at the same time he was the one who came up with the idea of battling the Sky team. He seemed disinterested until he came to the heir of Vongola Sawada Leymitsu."

" In the middle of their duel something happened to him as if he was recalling something."

" He became angry at the same time his exact words to Leymitsu was, ' There is no longer a purpose to this fight. My only motive to battle the Sky team was to battle with you. I was disappointed. I no longer have any hope towards you. You didn't regret not even once, nor did you remember.' "

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