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Water droplets slowly fell but the eyes they were falling from were unblinking. Cielo looked at the screen blankly as he recalled when he was a small child Nana had slapped him in his face after he called her mother. 


Small Tsunayoshi wanted to play with his younger baby brother Leymitsu. He asked his mother to let him hold the baby for a while. Instead she slapped him and yelled, " You demon child, never call me mother. I will never let you touch my child after what you did!" 

" Can I call you Mistress then? Tsunayoshi wanted to know what he did why he cant touch Ley kun.", Tsuna inquired.

Nana snapped at the child, " You were the reason why your brother died. He was the same age as you, but you killed him. You killed my first born. You are nothing but a murderer with bad luck! I wonder why I still keep you when I will never forgive you.."

She shed tears and stormed off leaving poor Tsuna alone. Having been told that Tsuna with a high IQ at his age thought he had a twin and somehow he survived childbirth but his twin did not.

It was so far from the truth, yet so close to it. This was what Tsuna grew up claiming to be his great sin, why his parents hated him. This was the lie they told to his brother why he stabbed him in his heart with a knife then forgetting his existence.

End of flashback...

Cielo did not know that finally being told the truth would hurt more than the lie he was fed. He didn't commit a sin, the sin was committed by his aunt and father who plotted and killed his birth mother, then had their younger son stab him with a knife before selling him to a lab that experimented on children.

All the sounds both externally and internally were cut off at this time in his mind. Cielo's world was silent so he heard the loud cracking sound. He knew it was the layer of ice that protected his heart that had a long crack in it now.

Cielo put a hand over his chest and grasped in quietly. He thought it was ironic that the protection around his heart was cracked from the inside and not from something external. His race the Soul Supreme do not have emotions unless they are stimulated.

In the moment the pain was unbearable. His eyes slowly dimmed as he was yet again thrown into a whirlpool of memories that intensified the pain. This was a repeat of what happened to him on the roof of Luce's mansion that night when Luke discovered him.

 Cielo slowly got from the chair and exited his room. There was no tears now there was just those eyes that seem to have lost their souls. He slowly went down the stairs step by step and through the front door. He wasn't aware that his flames were acting up. They were like a beacon and anyone who possesses flames could sense them.

The others in the mansion had come down for breakfast when they were almost done they sense powerful flames that were overwhelming and unstable. They exchanged looks wondering what it could be now. They heard the footsteps on the stairs then the door opening.

They followed the sound only to find Cielo walking through the gate. They could sense these were Cielo flames. They followed him since they were curious about what he is up to. Only Bianchi remained washing up the dishes, she gave a helpless sight.

They followed Cielo until they realize witch direction they were heading to. It was the Sawada's mansion. Cielo lean against a tree on the opposite side of the mansion as he observed the house in front of him from the shadows of the tree.

Cielo looked down and the others caught the drops of water that sparkled in the early morning sun.

The group that followed Cielo were shell shocked at what they just witnessed.

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