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O Ryohei's pov

" Those two don't belong to any of those groups. My original family abandoned me, while I don't keep friends with humans since they will die earlier than me.", He let out sight. 

Well...this conversation just steered into a direction I never foresaw. I don't know if I should console or comfort him since he didn't look all that troubled about it. Yet again, how would I know when I can't read the slightest emotions from him since he only shows one; indifference.

" Well to pass the time I will tell you about my family and friends. I grew up with my little sister and after going to highschool I started a boxing club to the extreme. Over a year ago I met some new friends I thought I would never be friends with under different circumstances."

" Our leader is a nice guy to the extreme, he is like a little brother to me. Our group of friends are harmonious because of him, feeling that we all belong, like one family. Like any other family we don't always get along and argue and fight, but he will always be there after all he is the sky and we are his elements.", I don't know why I told him this, but maybe it would help.

" I see.", was his only response.

" Well I hope to see you around some other time to the extreme! Maybe next time you will tell me your name instead of the title ' Ice prince'.", I called out as I waved goodbye and continued on my morning run.

End of pov...

After returning to eat his breakfast and waited for the sun to come up, Cielo strolled around following his intuition (forgot he had it?) to a place that looked like an ally. It was around noon. He met a ridiculous sight in front of him.

A brunette with glowing sunset orange eyes was fighting some men in jacket suits. There were three already on the ground and he was fighting against the remaining two. He wore a pair of special gloves, that was supposed to be his weapon. He was in Hyper Dying will mode.

If one happened to pass the brunette on a regular day he would look like a weak and vulnerable human that could be toppled over by the wind. Now this side of him while he fights look rather cool and refined.

After watching his counterpart finished taking care of the last two enemy Cielo didn't stay any longer but immediately left.

O Tsunayoshi's pov

Today a few henchmen from a mafia family decided to drop in unexpected after the new year. I took care of them and when I was almost done I caught a glimpse of that person once again.

' Just who are you stranger?', I thought. I would ask that Spartan tutor of mine when I return if he knows, this seemed like the type of thing that went right up his alley.

End of pov...

Cielo leaned against a tree trying to catch his breath and forced down the chaotic pulse in his heart. He covered his mouth and almost gagged. From between his pale white fingers dark red blood slipped through.

Taking his hand from his mouth he narrowed his eyes, " Just who dares to attack my mansion? I have just been here for two days and yet someone went after the group of humans under my protection?! Filthy demons courting death!"

He took out a handkerchief and wiped the blood from his hand and his lips. He disposed of it by burning it. He took out a mirror from his space dimension and a series of image appeared on it showing what was happening back in his world. He watch the battle's outcome before he returned the mirror and walked away.

Not far from where he was a teen with a dangling yellow pacifier hidden beneath his shirt had witnessed this scene. Reborn who had followed Cielo on this journey was doing his own thing exploring this world because he was intrigued by his counterpart.

He found it odd that in this world his student didn't exist and his counterpart was tutoring a complete stranger with the same last name Sawada as his student. His counterpart student was a single child in this world, and more strange enough this Sawada Tsunayoshi didn't exist in the universe he came from.

Such a strange parallel universe was Reborn's first thoughts. Then he took notice of a more interesting fact. This world's Sawada Tsunayoshi's so called guardians so happen to be a group of people he was familiar with. All those people lived under the same roof as a certain ice prince.

Reborn was not one to believe in such strange coincidences, so he had been following up a few clues. He happened to come across the scene of Cielo coughing up blood just now, but before he could come face to face with the other he had already left.

Seeing that scene Reborn was feeling uncomfortable deep down. He felt that he was failing a very important task and this wasn't the first time he had such a feeling. He felt the same way when he had seen the battle with Cielo and Ota in space.

When Cielo had hurt his soul he felt this unbearable ache along a thin line of connection between him and the teen. This connection felt familiar like when he had met his first Sky Luce all those years ago. Reason stood still that there could only be one Sky Arcobaleno at a time and his current sky was Aria.

Reborn didn't know how to explain the feeling as it grew ever so stronger. That was the reason why he had asked Bianchi who he had went out on a few dates with to attend the New year's dinner in Cielo'd mansion.

He also happened to be on a date with Bianchi when Hayato had found them and informed Bianchi that he was going to another universe with Cielo on a trip. Reborn wasn't going to pass up another golden opportunity to figure out the connection between him and Cielo so he insisted on going on this trip.

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