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" Yes me. From the beginning I have managed to deceive you arrogant demon lords. That's right I know why you all want a piece of me. I have the power to destroy souls and you want to take advantage of that in your fight for the throne. You can use my power as much as you want but you must be capable."

" I escaped from Shiva's dungeon after four years and the knowledge I gained can destroy the very throne you are all fighting for."

" I can be ruthless and cruel since I don't have permanent emotions that shackles me. I don't care for the world I want to see it be destroyed."

"My only regret is that I can't destroy it with my two own hands, and I haven't fulfilled a promise I once made.", Cielo grinned finding the situation extremely enjoyable despite his current situation.

His soul flames and sun flames had already healed his heart and resealed it in multiple layers of ice. But his flames couldn't recover the damage to his soul at the moment making him extremely weak at the moment.

He could no longer maintain his demonic form and he went back to his normal appearance. No blood was on his clothes. The only sign that he was once injured was the blood in the corner of his mouth and his pale complexion.

" You are cruel indeed to sacrifice part of your own soul. Be warned that I can still gain back my powers through other ways even if it takes a century.", Ota was now calm discarding his momentary fear he had when he discovered that the teen in front of him was that powerful and cruel to himself.

" Yet the fact remain that the fight for the throne is less than five years from now. No matter what you try you can't get back your powers unless you kill and steal another demon lord's power.", Cielo chuckled nonchalantly.

Ota gave him a fleeting glance as he disappeared back to his own domain inside the realm of demons, leaving Cielo and the gubsmacked arcobalenos alone.

Cielo opened a portal for them and they stepped through. When it was about to close he told them, " I don't need others knowing about anything that occured here today. Understood?" They all nodded wordlessly as the portal closed.

He opened another one for himself and he appeared inside his mansion. He took a shower and changed into a pair of silky pyjamas. He went down to the kitchen drank a glass of warm milk and soon felt sleepy.

No one was going to return to the mansion tonight so he just took a blanket and pillow and went to sleep in the living room sofa. Due to the injury in his soul that needed a certain amount of time to heal he was extremely weak and vulnerable at the moment.

It came as no surprise that he couldn't sleep well. He felt cold and hot between intervals and he was slightly uncomfortable. Beads of sweat damped his deathly pale forehead making his hair stick to it. To outsiders this might look like someone having a fever but Cielo's temperature was rather odd.

Common knowledge of having a fever is that the temperature of the sick person goes up, in Cielo's case it was the complete opposite. His temperature dropped below that of a regular human body temperature and continued dropping. His skin felt cold to the touch like a block of ice.

This was what the midnight visitor discovered upon his return to the mansion. Takeshi spent New year's Eve with his father and sat up and welcomed the new year together at midnight. He bid his father good bye and went back to the mansion knowing that Cielo was there all alone.

Seeing the pale sleeping figure that was sweating on the sofa Takeshi heart suddenly jolted by a sudden heartache. He called in a soft whisper, " Cielo?"

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