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His expression quickly return to normal as he laughed it off, " I am afraid you have mistaken me for someone else boy."

Cielo glared at him, " Have I now? You are Sawada Iemitsu the leader of House CEDEF. The Noble House that rules under Vongola and decide the next heir to the Vongola Kingdom.

" Your other identity is a traitor to your race. Humans are treacherous so it's not a surprise. Your entire family disgusts me." He withdrew the sword and placed it in his dimensional space. " Greetings Sun Arcobaleno.", Cielo greeted Reborn before he left.

The others greeted the two men before they followed Cielo in the direction of their Mansion. It was the first time they were all meeting Iemitsu so they acted cordially knowing who he was.

Takeshi knew Iemitsu from before since he had taken his wife and two sons to his father's diner back when he was still in middle school. The group knew that Cielo had a history with the Sawada's so they didn't stay long and bid the two men farewell.

The next morning was a Monday and the occupants from the Mansion of guardians were now setting off for their week long trip to the destinations that Cielo had booked for them.

Ryohei, Kyoya, Mukuro, and Chrome were travelling on the same flight since all four were going to Italy. Bianchi had Chosen to take Futta and Lambo to Paris, while the University Hayato and Takeshi were going to was in Rome.

The venue for the End of Summer gathering was Italy so those who were going there decided to meet up with the others at the event. Cielo had a Limo and a driver to take them to the airport.

When they were all gone Cielo let out a breath of relief as he slumped down on one of the living room Sofas. He was just about spent being in close proximity with the group. He had to restrain himself from getting too close to them.

" Madam Luce, I wonder if I should do away with this thing that cursed you and your descendants.", He said aloud as the ice mirror appeared hovering in the air in front of him.

Hidden inside of this mirror was the Sky Pacifier that belonged to the Sky Arcobaleno. For the time being he was the new Sky Arcobaleno, and none of the Arcobalenos have realized that their Sky was replaced.

" I guess not yet, since I need it to be a part of my plan. It's about time Shiva made his move. I must enter the Monster Zone here in Japan. For now back to sleep.", Cielo fed the mirror some Sky flames and then went back to sleep in the Sofa.

When it was in the evening he made dinner for himself and got dressed. He then teleported to a jungle of unknown origins. There he followed a row of trees with mysterious symbols carved into their trunks. This lead him to a portal deep in the woods.

This was an entrance to one out of many Monster Zones scattered across the world. Cielo passed through the portal and entered what looked like another world. It was a forest with the most breathtaking sight one would normally see in a magical dream.

Cielo didn't idle, he masked his presence and walked along the forest filled with monsters of various size, shapes, and abilities.

These monsters weren't monster in a certain sense. They were special beasts that one can form a contract with to become their animal companions or familiar. Leon the shape shifting Chameleon that belonged to Reborn was an example of one.

Cielo proceeded to a frosty area of the forest where snow was falling. He spotted what looked like a really big structure in a tree  resembling a house. He was about to enter when he was stopped by the two Gorgoyles that were guarding the building.

" Dear traveller how may we be of assistance?", one of them inquired. Cielo replied honestly, " I am here to choose familiars for a group of humans, and myself."

" You may proceed inside then.",  the other one said. " Ok.", Cielo nodded before entering the building.

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