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Takeshi led the group to the dining room where Cielo was already seated at the head of the table. Tsuyoshi was also seated a long way down the table.

Cielo looked at the group without getting up he said, " Welcome the guests to my Mansion. Introductions are in order since some of you haven't met. And as for the rest welcome back I hope your trip abroad was well spent."

" Thanks to Cielo.", The group found places for themselves and the guests were seated in the remaining empty seats. The places weren't set specifically for a person so any chair would do.

The original group sat down and waited for each guest to introduce themselves before sitting.

" Hello everyone I am Ken I run an orphanage in Italy with my brother, Mukuro, and Chrome. I have wanted to see Cielo for a few years to express my gratitude and today I got the opportunity. Thank you for saving my life back then Cielo.", Ken said before bowing to Cielo then taking his seat.

" Hello everyone. I am Chikusu Ken's twin brother. I am from Italy and as my brother mentioned I have long wanted to say thank you for saving my life a few years ago Cielo, I owe you my life. Please accept my gratitude.", Chikusu followed his brother's actions and took a seat.

" Hi everyone I am Sasagawa Kyoko a student from Italy. Its my pleasure to be invited by the host Cielo. Thank you.", She followed the first two with a bow before sitting.

" I am Hana Kyoko's best friend. It's also my pleasure to be invited by the host Cielo and it's great meeting you all.", she bowed before sitting.

" I am Haru a friend of Kyoko and Hana. Pleasure meeting you all and thanks to the host for his invitation.", Haru bowed and took her seat.

" I am Ipin a student of the Namimori Flames Academy. Thanks to big brother Cielo for allowing me to attend.", Ipin naturally a little shy and polite bowed before sitting.

" Sawada Ieyoshi. I have never gotten the chance to properly introduce myself to you Cielo despite attending the same school because of my brother. Thank you for inviting me this evening.", Ieyoshi didn't avoid looking at Cielo when he said this, instead he bowed and sat down like everyone else.

" I am Reborn the Sun Arcobaleno. I hope it doesn't displease you that I accepted the invitation Cielo.", Reborn had a strange amused look when bowing his head and sitting.

" The name is Doctor Shamal. I am a sun flame user that works at the academy. They are so many beautiful ladies here. I am glad this young man Cielo invited me.", Shamal gave a sly chuckle before giving a short bow and taking his seat.

" I am Yamamoto Tsuyoshi you can all stop by my Diner while in Namimori. When you visit I will make sure to serve your favourites.", Tsuyoshi got up nodded politely and sat back down.

" Introductions is over. You may all address me as Cielo. You are free to do anything while you are here that includes conversing at the table I really don't care. There is only one rule do not ask me personal questions. Now let's eat.", Cielo calmly waved his hand and everyone cleaned their hands and blessed the food.

The first half hour of the meal was mostly eating, and sampling every dish and complimenting the chefs meanwhile having light conversation. The next half an hour most of the dishes were cleared and it was time for dessert.

Cielo joined the conversation at this point.

" I am not that interested in trivial human details such as how beautiful the weather is or if it's going to be a good year, since I am the host its polite to follow human customs and ask the guests to partake in a conversation. So who wants to go first?", Cielo interjected putting a slice of moon cake in his mouth.

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