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Snow nodded once to show that he understood. He took to the skies and circled above the Demons. It baited them to move away from the Fort wall as it dived low and they gave chase. It stopped seeing that all the Demons were gaining on it.

Snow dodged the flames and weapons by flying up down, zigzagging, somersaulting. It was as of it was toying with the Demons. Back on the shore Cielo moved his lips, the words made it in Snow's mind, " Soul shock! "

Snow let out a mighty roar that echoed out across the sea. The sound waves affected the demons since the blue blood pouring out of their eyes, mouths, nose, and ears was evident enough. Soul shock was a move that injured a small part of the soul weakening the enemies but it wasn't lethal.

Those on the walls were also slightly affected since Cielo chose not to help them in case Phinaal saw that he was involving the humans in his matters against the Demons. Cielo didn't like the Humans but he wasn't going to make their lives come to an end by associating with them.

In the projection Phinaal was seen drinking tea that was served to him as he observed the battle down below. Snow stoped roaring as he shot the Demons a look of disdain. This infuriated the Demons but they were beginning to be wary of his roar.

Cielo's lips moved again without anyone noticing, " Soul shackle!" Snow flapped his wings as he rose into the air once again opening his mouth to let out another deafening roar. The Demons found themselves unable to move an inch.

If they moved they found that something within them felt as it was trapped. They felt their life force draining at a dangerously fast speed. Soul shackle caused the souls of anyone it was used on to be temporary immobile as their soul powers were drained.

Where their soul powers were going? It was being absorbed by the red plant with blossoms that was sealed within Cielo's body. This was the evolved demon seed within Cielo that he had sealed long ago.

As Cielo absorbed the Demons' souls the red plant inside him was covered with red light. It was going through another evolution. The plant grew several more inches long, the trunk grew a little more thick as the branches became more wider.

The leaves had a soft red glow and bigger blossoms bloomed as the smaller blossoms fell off and withered away. The plant was still chained and sealed by the chains which were in fact soul chains, the nine dancing flames, and locked by the blue magic circle.

This blue magic circle which could be found on Cielo's back was the mark of Soul supremes. They could use it to seal anything they so desired if they were strong enough to maintain the seal.

Cielo used his to seal the space within the Mansion so no Demon entities could enter, and he also sealed the space on the island that they trained. This allowed people's sense of time to be prolonged on the island, and at the same time keep out every and all things outside the barrier to remain outside.

While the plant(demon soul form) inside Cielo was being evolved something out of this world was happening on the outside that made everyone present question their sense of reality.

This was due to the transformation of the Demon army. Every single demon became a dried empty corpse as their life force drained rapidly. No signs of life could be sensed from them, in other words they were all dead!

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