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" Cielo won't change his mind, will you?", Byakuran turned to him. Cielo chuckled mirthlessly, " As long as that so called fool whom had been avoiding me from last year when I broke his nose doesn't cross the line then I don't see why I should not go."

" Well said.", Xanxus applauded. He admired and respected Cielo's personality and abilities a lot. Dino finally spoke up, " Hello Cielo." Dino was very wary of him since the first day they met was a very painful memory for him.

" Hello.", Cielo responded with one word. Dino pouted and got up as he dusted off his butt. This Mansion was Byakuran's mansion where he lived with his guardians. He closed the door and the four of them walked towards their destinations which was a hotel in Namimori.

They arrived and the lady at the front desk greeted them, " Good afternoon sirs. The others have arrived just a few minutes ahead of you, if you would please follow me I would show you the way."
She took them to a spacious room behind huge doors.

The room was like a lounge and gameroom put together for royalties; it had everything imaginable for relaxation, fun and entertainment. All facilities and piece of furniture were rare and top class.

The other three guests were seated in the small enclosure with two leather couch and a eating table. They were all drinking and looking over the menus. The three were Yuni, Enma, and Leymitsu.

The two leather couches could fit eight people. Yuni was at the end of the first coach, without further delay Byakuran sat next to her whispered something in her ear and she blushed and giggled. Xanxus, Dino, and Cielo sat in the empty coach. Cielo sat at the end.

The desk lady bowed and went out.

" I hope you guys didn't wait long. Dino and Xanxus were fooling around, as you can see Cielo came with us.", Byakuran quickly pushed the blame on his two friends while flirting with his girlfriend.

" Nice to see you Cielo.", Enma smiled warmly.

" Well.", Cielo's short reply.

" It's great you can go out and about, especially with us, Cielo. My mother told me about you over my new year's visit back home. If you were older than me I would call you uncle.", Yuni laughed at the first sentence then half sighted at the end.

" Your grandmother is your grandmother and I am already who I am. I couldn not give her what she wanted, because I was unfortunately born to the world's most despicable parents. I would have very much liked to be her son.", Cielo spoke the truth.

" So what should we order?", It seems Byakuran was the one responsible for keeping the atmosphere lively. The others looked over the menu and ordered heir favourite dishes and beverages. After the meal Xanxus who was in charge of choosing games decided their first game was pool.

The three who arrived ahead of time would play first then the four who came after. The winner of each game would ask the looser of that game to do one thing for them. When all party involved agreed to the bet they began playing.

Enma won the first game, Yuni ranked second and Leymitsu lost. Enma asked Leymitsu to a flame duel between them, he would set the time and date and invite a few others including those who were present to which Leymitsu readily agreed.

The next Mach ended and all party was not expecting the outcome. Cielo purposefully lost resulting in Byakuran winning, Xanxus ranking second and Dino ranked third.

" I am really curious what you would dare me to do.", Cielo raised an eyebrow with a sly grin.

To which Byakuran replied with a mischievous smile, " Follow me to the next parallel universe. I need to find Cielo, or your real identity for that matter."

Cielo was slightly startled inside but the next moment he laughed.

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