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After a rather quite meal where everyone enjoyed the food and the table was cleared they were served dessert. Cielo started with a question no one expected, " So did you all have fun on your trip?"

" I was glad to see my little sister and her friends. Thanks to you Cielo.", Ryohei was the first to answer. Cielo said in return, " Now you know where she is you can visit her again, have in mind that you should not jeopardize her safety."

" I won't."

" There wasn't any fun to be had. At least the boxing herbivore sister goes a school that follows rule. I had no problem.", Kyoya said his part.

" Well we had tons of fun in Paris with Bianchi San. Thank you Cielo! We wished you came.", Lambo and Futta said in unison. To which Cielo replied, " I am not a child anymore, and you don't have to thank me."

" Well I had the most fun. They were so many scientific things at the fair, it was mind blowing! Takeshi and I even entered some competitions together and actually won." Hayato was excited since he loved science, sparkles could be seen in his eyes.

" Hayato is right. He is actually a fun guy to be around.", Takeshi said. " Seems you two get along so well.", Cielo pointed out.

" We were happy to see the others, and the children seemed to be doing ok.", Mukuro said. He was referring to Ken and Chikusu running the orphanage for the Children they rescued from Estraneo.

" Speaking of the others Ken and Chikusu said they will be coming to Japan soon to see you Cielo. They were excited to learn that you were alive, and wants to thank you for all you did face to face.", Chrome passed on the message from the others.

" So in other words you all got something out of your trip.", Cielo concluded.

" That's right Cielo, and while they were there I knew they all thought about you. After all you made it all possible. So Cielo am I right to guess that you were busy all this time?", Bianchi questioned.

" I can't be idle like you group of humans, can I? Being one of the chess master of the game I must always be a few moves ahead. Playing this game is what I consider as fun, after all if you loose you die in this game.", Cielo chuckled in response.

" I hope you win, I am cheering for you.", Bianchi smiled.

" What I wanted to discuss with you all is very important. I am warning you all, and if you so much as disobey I am not taking responsibilities for your deaths.", Cielo became serious as his usual indifferent expression returned.

The others sat up at attention and started listening attentively. Cielo continued, " Tomorrow at the event if anything happens do not interfere. I repeat do not interfere. If you should interfere do it to save yourselves or others, but even so do not reveal your true powers."

" If it involves me under no circumstances should you interfere. I can fight my own battles, remember that and don't forget my warning. Goodnight to you all."

After he was done he went to his room leaving the rest in their own worlds. He changed into something more comfortable as he went to work as Ciel on his shape shifting laptop.

Ciel stopped working at mid night and went to sleep. Early the next morning everyone went to the dining hall to have breakfast. They were all dressed to go on the beach since that's where the event was going to take place.

Today Cielo was dressed simple, but something about his top was particularly eye catching. He was wearing a white T-shirt with his name printed in red bold letters on both sides. A demonic red eye was below his name on the front.

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