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As quick as it came it disappeared since he regained control in a split second. He got up without a word as he strode out the door without turning back. The others glanced at each other before getting up and running towards the door.

Cielo had already walked quite some distance and they ran to keep up. Just then the two blonde twins who they knew were Cielo's companions appeared and waved at Cielo, " Cielo!"
Cielo stopped and greeted them as if nothing had happened, " Are the others here yet?"

The two exchanged glances vaguely aware that he wasn't in a good mood. They saw this world's Sawada Tsunayoshi and his guardians running up behind Cielo, but upon seeing them they all stopped a few yards away. They seemed to be looking guilty and a little regretful, the two wondered what had happened.

" Sure thing. That marshmallow addict is on the other side opening a passageway.", Hayato informed him. Takeshi moved a step forward glancing over Cielo's shoulder then back to his usual indifferent expression he asked, " Did they do something to upset you?"

" No. I am not upset at all. They are just mere humans, what could they have done?", Cielo scoffed. The previous unstable air around him calmed down after saying this sentence. Deep down he was currently feeling a turmoil in his heart that made him slightly uncomfortable.

" Yes they are but mere humans to you.", Takeshi agreed.

Cielo let out a breath, " Hayato and Takeshi let's return to the Mansion. The others are waiting."

His words broke the illusion that concealed their identity. So the images of another Hayato and Takeshi appearing on the same street not only shocked those behind Cielo, but in addition let them understood something.

In the time they were shock Reborn and Yuni that came with Cielo also appeared without disguises. The four new comers looked at those behind Cielo and introduced themselves.

" The name is Gokudera Hayato. A residence of Cielo's Mansion of guardians.", He gave a lackadaisical look upon his introduction.

" I am Yamamoto Takeshi. Hayato and I are both residents along with others. We are your counterparts from another universe.", Takeshi gave his signature smile.

" Reborn. Sun Arcobaleno from their Universe.", Reborn stated.

" Yuni Giglo Nero princess of the Giglo Nero Kingdom in our universe.", Yuni was like a bright beam of sunshine.

Cielo finally turned around and look back at them, " And as you all know I am Cielo, and for your information I am not a human."

As he spoke a distortion in space appeared next to him. It was a space tunnel that lead back to their universe which Byakuran opened for them.

He continued, " This time I came here because of a bet. I have interacted with most of you and I have a positive impression of you none the less because of the mistake you just made prying into my privacy. Due to this I would be kind to give you all a warning."

" What warning?", This world's Reborn queried.

Cielo responded in a riddle, " Beware of the white wing angel with an upside down purple crown beneath his right eye. Good luck in the future."

With that he, Hayato, Takeshi, Reborn, and Yuni jumped into the space tunnel and it snapped close disappearing from sight. Tsuna looked slightly sullen as became to a realization that he would never be able to see the one they called Cielo again which was his counterpart in real life.

However he didn't have long to brood because a certain someone started whisking him and his guardians off to the future.

Beginning of the future arc and end of the crossover between the original KHR and Fantasy within khr...

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