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Cielo was no exception to this rule since he was Ciel. He knew every single detail about these guardians of his younger brother since his father had payed Cielo a very huge sum for information on each of them.

The price Iemitsu had payed was astronomical almost bankrupting him since he payed for the information out of his own pockets.

Cielo did that job in the first place despite his feelings towards his family because he wasn't going to pass up an opportunity with unimaginable benefits.

The information Cielo had on these guardians were as follows;

Vongola heir and his guardians

Sawada Leymitsu. Vongola heir. Age 14. Class xx. Sky flames. Holder of the Vongola Sky Ring. A selfish, egoistical brat that tried killing his older brother, and spends less time with his younger brother. He is handsome with blonde hair and round hazel eyes.

Basilicum/Basil. Leymitsu's rain guardian. Age 15. Class xx. Rain flame. Holder of the Vongola Rain ring. Kind, loyal, polite and friendly. He is also strong willed and fond of fighting worthy opponents. He has dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and a fringe bang in the middle of his forehead.

Shoichi Irie. Leymitsu's sun guardian. Age 15. Class xx. Sun flame.  Holder of the Vongola Sun Ring. Mostly anxious, he can be friendly if he chooses. Strong willed, intelligent and cunning. He has red hair, green eyes, and wear glasses.

Brina. Leymitsu's lightning guardian. Age 14. Class ix. Lightning flame. Holder of the Vongola Lightning Ring. She has wavy blonde hair and grey eyes.

Iris Hepburn. Leymitsu's cloud guardian. Age 14. Class ix. Cloud flames. Holder of the Vongola Cloud Ring. Manipulative and flirtatious. Light brown hair worn in an afro and purple eyes. She likes to wear hoop earrings.

Mitsuru Fijori. Leymitsu's mist guardian. Age 12. Class ix. Mist flames. Holder of the Vongola Mist Ring. Spiky brown hair with coal black eyes.

Ipin. Leymitsu's storm guardian. She is the Student of the Storm Arcobaleno Fon. Age 10. Class x. Storm flames. Holder of the Vongola Storm Ring. Shy, kind, smart, and sometimes don't pay attention to what she is doing. She is small with black hair braided into one, slanted eyes and wore glasses.

Ieyoshi came with his brother and the others.

Reborn arrived with two of his fellow Arcobalenos, Colonello the Rain and Skull the Cloud Arcobaleno.

Normally two Arcobalenos are with their Sky at all times, and those two could always be replaced by the others for different occasions.

One Arcobaleno that was always absent was Verde the Lighting Arcobaleno since he was a scientist. He hardly leaves his underground Lab beneath the Academy.

In all there are seven Arcobalenos and one corrupted holder. There are;

Aria Giglo Nero. Luce's daughter and Yuni's mother. The queen of the Giglo Nero Kingdom. The Headmistress of the Namimori Flames Academy. Sky Flames. Holder of the Arcobaleno Sky pacifier (cough...*fake*....cough).

Mammon/Viper. Aria's Mist guardian. Part time member of the Varia guardians. The Headmistress secretary at the Academy. Mist flames. Holder of the Arcobaleno Mist pacifier. A frog/salamander   familiar.

Reborn/ Renato Sinclair. Aria's Sun guardian. Sawada Leymitsu's personal instructor. Hitman. Sun flames. Holder of the Arcobaleno Sun pacifier. Shape shifting Chameleon familiar.

Skull. Aria's Cloud guardian. A motorcyclist. Cloud flames. Holder of the Arcobaleno Cloud pacifier. A giant Octopus familiar.

Colonello. Aria's Rain guardian. Retired soldier. Rain flames. Holder of the Arcobaleno Rain pacifier. White Hawk familiar.

Fon. Aria's Storm guardian. Martial Artist. Storm flames. Holder of the Arcobaleno Storm pacifier. White Monkey familiar.

Verde. Aria's Lightning guardian. Scientist. Lightning flames. Holder of the Arcobaleno Lightning pacifier. Green Crocodile familiar.

Lal Mirch. CEDEF second in command. The Headmaster of Namimori Flames Academy secretary. Colonello's lover. Rain flames. Holder of the corrupted Arcobaleno Rain pacifier. She was chosen as a Arcobaleno but got rejected by the pacifier.

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