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" I am going back to the Mansion.", Cielo left and the other two followed behind him. A week later Hayato became sixteen like most of the others in the Mansion. A month later it would have been a year since he started living with Cielo.

Today was Thursday the thirteenth of October and it was now Lunchtime in the Academy. The day was fair and sunny with a few clouds ahead. Cielo and his group was having Lunch on the roof as usual. They were all conversing, except for Cielo.

The topic of the conversation was the birthday party invite sent to everyone in class xx. The party invitations were sent by the parents of the heir of Vongola for their son's birthday.  Everyone in the class was invited to the Sawada's Mansion on the night of the fourteenth which was a Friday night.

The reason why Cielo's group was discussing this was because they knew there was no way Cielo would go so they were wondering why they got an invitation in the first place.

" You should all go. Futta and Lambo got an invitation since they are friends with Ipin and are in the same class as Sawada Ieyoshi.", Cielo said nonchalantly. This resulted in a moment of silence.

" Are you sure Cielo? You are not planning on going.", they asked.
" Why did you all came up with such a nasccious though? I would never do such a thing. It's ok for you to go since I will be busy tomorrow.", Cielo almost spat out the food he had in his mouth.

" Okay if you say so.", they conceded.

The next day even thought the day was sunny and beautiful breakfast at Cielo's Mansion was rather gloomy. The reason was because Cielo was absent for breakfast meaning he wasn't going to school with them today.

Before they left they called out so Cielo in his room could hear. " See you later Cielo!"

Cielo who was in bed got up and looked through his window. He saw them as they left the Mansion towards school. Down below Kyoya surprised them when he told them, " The Omnivore is looking at us through his window."

They looked back and saw only the moving curtains at the window since Cielo had moved away. That day he spent the the entire day in his room. He didn't come out of his room when the others returned from school and got dressed for the party.

Like in the morning he watched them leave through his window. This time the others noticed without Kyoya pointing it out. They went to the party bearing gifts. The party ended late.

Meanwhile with Cielo he had showered cleaned his teeth and put on a pair of pyjamas. His hair was caught in one and he sat around the piano. His cold blue eyes reflecting the moonlight which was the only light in his room.

He touched the keys with his long and beautiful fingers. Not thinking of what he wanted to play he just let his fingers move on their own. One without emotions may be unable to play the piano perfectly but it was different with Cielo.

The others arrived back at the Mansion at 10pm. As they opened the door they heard the sound of the stunningly serene music coming from a piano upstairs. They followed the sound and stopped outside Cielo's door.

As if sensing that someone was outside his door the music came to an end as Cielo asked from within his room, " Did you all have fun?" The others all said the same thing, " No, because you weren't there."

" I apologize for suggesting you should go.", Cielo apologized.  Hayato spoke up for the rest, " We could have refused since you told us we were free to do anything. It was our decision to go."

" I see.", Cielo muttered.

Then Mukuro said something no one had expected, " Happy Birthday Cielo."

After a long while Cielo inquired, " When did you find out?"

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